歌词 "What People Are Made Of" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What People Are Made Of



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Rag weed tall better hope that his ladder don't crack 抹布高大的杂草更希望他的梯子不开裂

Or he'll hit the ground low, hard and out of his back 或者他会撞到地面低,硬从他的背部

At the battle at the bottom of the ocean, well the dead 在战斗中,在海洋的底部,以及死

do rise 不涨

You need proof I got proof at the surface you can watch 你需要证明我有证据在表面上,你可以看

em float by EM通过浮动

Way in back of the room, there sits a cage 在房间的后面了,还有坐在笼子里

Inside it's a clock that you can win if you can guess its age 里面是一个时钟,你可以赢了,如果你能猜出它的年龄

Which you never can do cuz the time it constantly changes 你永远可以做cuz它在不断的变化的时候

For luck or lack 对于运气或缺乏

I guess that is the saying 我想这就是俗话说的

On the first page of the book of blue it read 在蓝色的书的第一页上面写的

"If you read this page, than that'll be your death" “如果你阅读此页,比会是你死”

By then it was too late 到那时为时已晚

And you wound up on an island of shells and bones that 和你缠绕在贝壳和骨头的岛屿,

bodies had left 尸体已经离开

And the one thing you taught me 而有一件事你教我

'bout human beings was this 布特人类是这样的

They ain't made of nothin' but water and shit 他们没有取得什么也不是水和狗屎

歌词 What People Are Made Of 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what-people-are-made-of/

歌词 What People Are Made Of 的作者与版权信息:


Isaac Brock, Eric Judy, Jeremiah Green


Tschudi Music, Sony/ATV Harmony, Ugly Casanova, Crazy Gnome