歌词 "Something So Good" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Something So Good



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?

How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?


What have I done, to drive you away? 我做了什么,要赶你走呢?

What can I do, to make you stay? 我能做些什么,让你留下来?


I wanna be your best friend, 我想成为你最好的朋友,

But now you want it to end. 但是现在你希望它结束​​。


How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?

How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?


Time, I thought it would change your mind, 当时,我还以为它会改变你的想法,

Making you see, loving me was real. 让你看,我的爱是真实的。

I remember days, I felt so lovely, 我记得日子,我觉得很可爱,

The love I had, was for you only. 爱我,是你唯一的。

I wanna be your best friend, 我想成为你最好的朋友,

But now you want it to end. 但是现在你希望它结束​​。


How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?

How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?


How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?


I wanna be your best friend, 我想成为你最好的朋友,

But now you want it to end. 但是现在你希望它结束​​。


How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?

How could something so good turn out so bad? 怎么会事那么好练得这么差?

Whatever happened to the love we had? 无论发生在我们有爱吗?

歌词 Something So Good 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/something-so-good-1/