歌词 "The Flood" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Flood



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I remember the day it came 我记得它来到的日子

Washed everything in a humbling blue 在震撼人心的蓝色洗水一切

Highways and ferries the same 高速公路和轮渡一样

Drowned in the flood like the prayers we knew 淹没在洪水像我们知道的祈祷


And I lost all track of my time 我失去了所有的跟踪我的时间

And some other current much faster than mine 而且比我的其他一些电流快得多

Took down the trees on the river 记下了河上的树木

Like advice that would never be given 这将不会被给予像忠告


Lay back down with my eyes closed 躺回去我闭着眼睛

I let all my air out of my nose 我让我所有的空气从我的鼻子

Let all the earth melt to glorious mud 愿全地融于辉煌的泥

Smiled for a while six feet under the flood 在洪水6英尺笑了一会


And I couldn't find my boots 我找不到我的靴子

The water, it was knee-high 水,这是及膝

So I lay in my bed 所以,我躺在我的床上

Stared out my window at the dry sky 盯着在天空中干我的窗


And I woke up underneath 我醒来的时候底下

All that was humbled in blue 所有这一切都自愧不如蓝色

Realized I was more 意识到我更

More comfortable than my mother still 更舒适的比我妈还


Laid back down with my eyes closed 特我闭着眼睛回落

I let all the air out of my nose 我让所有的空气从我的鼻子

I let all my dirt melt to glorious mud 我让我所有的污垢融于辉煌的泥

Smiled for a while six feet under the flood 在洪水6英尺笑了一会

歌词 The Flood 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-flood-1/

歌词 The Flood 的作者与版权信息:


Mason Stewart Jennings


Affiliated Music Pub O.B.O. Mystical Pony Of The Stars