歌词 "Filthy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

filthy, dirty, something that I can't explain 污秽,肮脏的东西,我无法解释

I'm so unworthy, this gift You give me every day 我太不值得,这个礼物你给我每一天

and sometimes I just can't buy 有时我只是不能买

the reason why You die 为什么你死的原因

everyday to cleanse the dirt of me 日常清洗我的污垢

and I try to get by without Your blood that covers me 我试图让不经您的血覆盖了我

and I sigh as I die with each breath eventually 我叹了口气,因为我死了每次呼吸,最终

and leaving no excape, I fall into Your waves 并且不留excape ,我陷入你的波

and drink the love that washes over me 喝了洗了我的爱

how deep the flood, that washes me away 洪水,即洗我走有多深

how pure the blood, I'm not filthy anymore. 多么纯洁的血液中,我不是肮脏了。

and I cry oh my God what have I done 我哭,我的天啊我做了什么

I have nailed all these nails into Your only son 我已经钉在所有这些钉子钉进你的唯一的儿子

and still You call me a precious lamb, a chosen one 仍然你叫我一个宝贵的羔羊,一个选择了一个

I'm filthy and You make me clean 我很脏,你叫我洁净

歌词 Filthy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/filthy/

歌词 Filthy 的作者与版权信息:


Tatiana Mais, Peter Stewart Wiggs, Bob Stanley


Warner/Chappell Music Ltd.