歌词 "Freedom Calling" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Freedom Calling


歌词相关歌手:COLIN HAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you hear a voice call out your name 如果你听到一个声音叫你的名字

Saying you can stop yourself from falling 说你可以从坠落阻止自己

And if he strikes you in his fear and shame 如果他打你在他的恐惧和羞耻

Well you can leave him to his ruin 好了,你可以离开他了他的毁灭


If your dreams they wake you in the night 如果你的梦想,他们醒来,你在夜里

And your heart it is a pounding 和你的心脏是一个冲击

If you cry out as you wake in your fright 如果你哭了,你在你醒来的恐惧

And the wind it is a-howling 风是一种啸叫


Maybe it's time to find another place 也许是时候找另一个地方

Where nobody even knows your face 那里甚至没有人知道你的脸

There is no need to be afraid 没有必要害怕

For it's only freedom calling 对于它的唯一的自由调用


If your tears begin to overflow 如果你的眼泪开始溢出

As you walk against the undertow 当你走对暗潮

There is no need to be afraid 没有必要害怕

For it's only freedom calling 对于它的唯一的自由调用


If you're sad 'cause you're all alone 如果你难过的时候,因为你孤独一人

And your hands they are a shaking 和你的手,他们都颤抖

And your miracle cure's not working anymore 和你的灵丹妙药不工作了

And the flood bank's close to breaking 和洪水银行的接近破


Suddenly you're on an open unknown road 突然,你是在一个开放的未知的路

Passing all the heavy, long wide loads 通过所有的沉重,长广负荷

It is time to make your great escape 现在是时候让你的大逃亡

And you can hear your freedom calling 你还可以听到你的呼唤自由


I want to dive into the sea of love 我想潜入爱的海洋

But my knees they are a quaking 但我的膝盖,他们是颤抖

I can see myself high up above 我可以看到自己高高以上

And there's no time left for faking 而且也没有时间留给伪造


I no longer need to understand 我不再需要理解

What it is to truly be a man 它是什么,真正成为一个男人

Only when I gave up on my masterplan 只有当我放弃了我的总纲

Did I then hear freedom calling 难道我再听到呼唤自由


Did I then hear freedom calling 难道我再听到呼唤自由

歌词 Freedom Calling 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/freedom-calling/