歌词 "The Bully" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Bully



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

How you been feeling 你怎么一直感觉

It's not about marbles snakes or glue 这不是弹珠蛇或胶水

How you been healing 你如何被治愈

Now that we cannot win or lose 现在,我们不能输或赢

So how you been keeping 所以,你怎么一直保持

It doesn't matter whose dads richest now 没关系的,现在爸爸最富有

How you been sleeping 你怎么睡

From the top bunks further to fall down 从上面床铺进一步跌下来


You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上


What you been doing 你一直在做

Still make the world a better place 还是让世界变得更美好

Never stopped rueing 从来没有停止过rueing

Making those tears fall down your face 让眼泪掉下来你的脸

Making you suffer 让你受苦

Wondering how you got your scars 想知道你是如何得到你的伤疤

And only in hindsight 而且,只有在事后

I wish I had taken you in my arms 我希望我将你拥在怀里


Taken you in my arms 将你拥在怀里

Taken you in my arms 将你拥在怀里

Taken you in my arms 将你拥在怀里

Taken you in my arms 将你拥在怀里


You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上


You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully) 你转身,围绕在我的(原谅欺负)

You turned that around on me 你转身,围绕在我身上

You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully) 你转身,围绕在我的(原谅欺负)

歌词 The Bully 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-bully/

歌词 The Bully 的作者与版权信息:


James Dearness Hogarth, Sia Furler


Emi Music Publishing Ltd., Dalmation Songs Ltd., Long Lost Brother Management Ltd.