歌词 "Angel Eyes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Angel Eyes



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Your eyes show me everything 你的眼睛告诉我的一切

All I need to know about you 我只需要知道你

Those eyes couldn't lie to me 那双眼睛不能骗我

Even if you wanted to 即使你想


Blessed eyes, angel eyes 有福的眼睛,天使眼

It's just now I realize 这只是我现在明白

There is none to compare 有没有比较

No no no not anywhere 没有没有没有没有在任何地方

You got soul and much more 你有灵魂,更

As my truth starts to enfold 由于我的真理开始拥抱

Couldn't do without you 不能没有你

No no no not in my life 没有没有没有没有在我的生活

Why shouldn't I love you 为什么我不能爱你

And give you everything 给你的一切

After all you've been there for me all the way 毕竟你已经在那里等我一路

Why shouldn't I cherish the ground that you walk on 为什么我不应该珍惜你在地面上行走

Come again my little sweetness make my day 再来我一点甜头让我开心


Angel eyes, special eyes 天使眼,特别的眼睛

Gives my heart good exercise 给我的心脏很好的锻炼

Nonstop company and joy 不间断的公司和喜悦

Since you've entered my world yeah 既然你已经进入了我的世界啊


Your eyes show me everything 你的眼睛告诉我的一切

All I need to know about you 我只需要知道你

Your eyes couldn't lie to me 你的眼睛不能骗我

Even if they wanted to 即使他们想


After all a man got nothing else within his plan 毕竟一个人有没有别的在他的计划

than to make a little dough 比作一个小面团

And let the good life flow 让美好的生活流

And it gets even better 而且它会变得更好

He feels more comfortable 他感觉更舒服

That someone in his world 有人在他的世界

Comes in the form of you 谈到在你的形式

Didn't take the time to say I love you 没走的时候说我爱你

After all these years 毕竟这些年来

I'm glad it's not too late I'm singing now 我很高兴它不是太晚了,我现在唱

Why shouldn't I love you and give you everything 为什么我不能爱你,给你一切

After all you've been there for me all the way 毕竟你已经在那里等我一路

Why shouldn't I cherish the very ground that you walk on 为什么我不应该珍惜,你走在很勤

Come again my little sweetness 再来我一点甜头

Make my day yeah 让我开心啊


Angel eyes, special eyes 天使眼,特别的眼睛

It's just now I realize 这只是我现在明白

There is none to compare 有没有比较

No no no not anywhere 没有没有没有没有在任何地方

You got soul and much more 你有灵魂,更

As my truth starts to enfold 由于我的真理开始拥抱

Couldn't do without you 不能没有你

No no no not in my life 没有没有没有没有在我的生活

歌词 Angel Eyes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/angel-eyes-20/