歌词 "A Bit Old-Fashioned" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Bit Old-Fashioned



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I believe that a woman 我相信,一个女人

Is the most precious thing on earth 是地球上最宝贵的东西

And I'll do anything 我会做任何事

And I do mean anything 和我意味着什么

To stop my baby 要停止我的宝贝

From ever being hurt 从曾经被伤害


Well it might seem kinda crazy to ya 那么它可能看起来有点疯狂的雅

Somewhat outta style 有点失控风格


I'm just a bit old-fashioned 我只是有点老气

And I can't help 我不禁

Livin' that way 活着的方式

I'm just a bit old-fashioned 我只是有点老气

And I can't help 我不禁

Livin' that way 活着的方式


I'll go and work 我去上班

My fingers to the bone 我的手指骨

And I'll work overtime 我会加班

So she can have a home 这样她就可以有一个家

And I'll do anything 我会做任何事

And I do mean anything 和我意味着什么

Don't want my baby 不希望我的孩子

To hurt for a thing 伤了的事


Well that might sound kinda crazy to ya 嗯,这听起来有点疯狂,以雅

Somewhat outta style 有点失控风格


[HOOK] [钩]


Oh baby 宝贝

That's the only way that I'll ever be 这是我将永远是唯一的出路

Forever dedicated to thee 永远奉献给你

One girl is all I ever will need 一个女孩就是我全部的需要

Loving you forever indeed 爱你一辈子真的

My whole damn life is you 我的整个该死的生活是你

And I would die for you 我会为你死

I might sound crazy 我可能听起来很疯狂

But the only thing important is you 但唯一重要的是你

I love you 我爱你


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歌词 A Bit Old-Fashioned 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-bit-old-fashioned/

歌词 A Bit Old-Fashioned 的作者与版权信息:


Kenneth Edmonds


Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Ecaf Music