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与 occipital 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tan'.'' and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot; southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes.


Cut the scalp along the sagittal line and turn it to two sides, take down the calvarium of one side along supraorbital margin, key point, the superior margin of zygomatic arch, external occipital protuberance and sagittal suture.


Results The symptom group had the phenomenons which posterior cranial cavity was small and heteromorphosis,the volume of infratentorial brain tissue was large,cerebellum tonsil shifted down slightly and the debouch of inferior foramen occipital was crowded.

结果 症状组有后颅腔小、形态变异、幕下脑组织体积大、小脑扁桃体轻度下移和枕骨大孔出口拥挤现象。

These results suggest the dissociable binding processing and the object representation, which are respectively represented by the induced and evoked activities at occipital sites.


If, therefore, it were possible to connect the eye with the temporal lobe, and the ear with the occipital lobe, we would, as someone has expressed it, hear the lightening and see the thunder.


To point out the seizure manifestations and electroencephalography features of patients with occipital lobe epilepsy for improving the level of clinical diagnosis.

目的 分析总结枕叶癫痫的临床表现及脑电图特点以提高对其的临床诊断水平。

Richard interleukin not high, his voice a little bit red, often behind the ear or occipital palpable on both sides of soybeans after the large lymph nodes, fever has been not to reclaim the child, medication, injections are invalid, such as spread 3 to 4 days a sudden fever, a pink body rash, and limbs before the rash less or no rash, fever have been accompanied by symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, were also back with the burning of the gradual disappearance of measles, 1 ~ 2 days measles back After without leaving any traces, not peeling, which is characteristic of measles exanthema.


High fever, cough more obvious symptoms of runny nose, rash Department before the buccal mucosa plaques many measles; rubella general fever is not high, little cough, ears, the occipital lymph nodes; measles exanthema high fever, 2-3 days after the fever that is, on its own;恶寒early scarlet fever, throat swelling fester, the "Yangmei" tongue-like; chickenpox generally lighter symptoms, fever is not high.


Results MRI findings of central neurocytoma are specific in 5 cases. The ganglioglioma was found in the tempora and occipital lobe in 7 cases,in the brainstem in 1 case, cystic-solid tumor was observed in 5 cases with extramural nodule in 3 cases, obviously thickened gyri were revealed in 1 cases and central necrosis in 2 cases.The 3 cases of Lhermitte-Duclos disease include the specific molecular layer imaging features.

结果 5例中枢神经细胞瘤有一定的MRI特征,3例诊断正确。8例神经节细胞胶质瘤中,7例位于或主要位于颞、枕叶,1例位于桥脑和延髓,表现为囊实性者5例,实性部分位于囊外的有3例,呈实性表现为局部脑回增厚者1例,囊变坏死明显者2例。3例小脑发育不良性节细胞瘤有特征性的条纹状或分层状表现。

Methods DTI were performed in 20 patients of aMCI, 20 patients of AD and 20 normal control subjects. FA and ADC values were calculated in the regions of interest in inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, genu and splenium of corpus callosum, superior longitudinal fasciclesⅡand cingulated bundles.


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Inside My Head

In the second case, the athletes pedalled in a low gear at 100 rpm.


Design Week Shanghai is the connected conference for architects, designers and real estate developers. 3 seminars with keynotes and a dozen of workshops welcomed over 800 visitors.


Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

旧约 --创世记--第 3 章(本篇共有 50 章) 7上一章下一章8 总目录 3:1 耶和华神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。