歌词 "Whatever It Takes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Whatever It Takes



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm sorry 对不起

Just isn't good enough 只是不够好

This time there's nothing 这一次,没有什么

You can do to change my mind 你可以做些什么来改变我的主意

Inject the silence 注入的沉默

Inject the silence 注入的沉默

Inject the silence 注入的沉默

Just to bring me peace 只是给我带来和平


Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!


I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To get you out of my life 让你走出我的生活

I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To just make you go away! 只是让你走开!


You've fallen 你倒下

And I'm not about to pick you up 而且我不是来接你

There's something 有什么东西

In your voice that makes me sick 在你的声音,让我感到恶心

So sick of the insults 所以生病的侮辱

So sick of the torment 所以生病的煎熬

So sick of everything 所以生病的一切


Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!

Break everything! 打破一切!


I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To get you out of my life 让你走出我的生活

I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To just make you go away! 只是让你走开!


I'll do anything 我会做任何事

(I'll do anything) (我会做任何事)

To get you away from me 让你离我而去

I'll do anything 我会做任何事

(I'll do anything) (我会做任何事)

To get you away from me! 让你离我远一点!


I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To get you out of my life 让你走出我的生活

I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To just make you go away! 只是让你走开!


I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To get you out of my life 让你走出我的生活

I'll do whatever it takes 我会不惜一切代价

To just make you go away! 只是让你走开!


Away! 走!

歌词 Whatever It Takes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/whatever-it-takes-19/