歌词 "We Got By" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

We Got By



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I hardly had a bellyful 我几乎有一个满腹

Never knew a new bicycle 从来不知道一个新的自行车

Hand-me-down books and shoes 手,我下来的书籍和鞋

They brought the yule tides in July 他们带来了圣诞潮七月


I rode a bus, a train and sometimes 我骑着一辆公交车,火车,有时

Strolling for miles to a movie show 漫步十里一场电影放映

Singing a song "Shoobedoo 唱着一首“ Shoobedoo

"While birds and rich folks flew “虽然鸟类和丰富的人立马

right on by 右侧由上


But we got by 但我们得到了

Lord knows we got by 上帝知道,我们得到了


Winter wishes wait till June 冬季意愿等到六月

We brightened July with 我们更添七月

that hot dog fun 在热狗的乐趣

Tell your mama you're with Sue 告诉你妈妈你与苏

You bring the beans and I'll 你把豆子,我会

find the wine 发现酒

Them neon lights were bright 这些霓虹灯闪闪发亮

till 2:00 直到2:00

And sneaking back home with 并偷偷回家了

this girl named Jo 这个女孩叫乔

I hurried down to say do" 我急忙往下说做“

And stared my first man-child 盯着我的第一个男人,孩子

in the eye 在眼


But we got by 但我们得到了

Lord knows we got by 上帝知道,我们得到了


And now baby's got his bellyful 现在宝宝得到了他的满腹

And finally here's that new bicycle 最后这里的新自行车

Working, praying, June to June 工作,祈祷, 6至6月

And mama's got LA gleaming 和妈妈的有洛杉矶闪闪发光

in her eye 在她的眼睛


And we got by 我们用了

Lord knows we got by 上帝知道,我们得到了


You see we kept on walking 你看,我们继续往前走

and talking, hawking 和说话,霍金

Ooing, cooing, wooing Ooing ,啧啧称赞,拉拢

Loving, tugging, hugging, rubbing 爱,揪着,拥抱,擦

Sugging, fugging, laying, praying, swaying Sugging , fugging ,铺设,祈祷,摇曳生姿

Letting, fretting, begetting, lying 让,微动,不断产生,卧

Flying, trying, sighing, dying. 飞行,努力着,叹了口气,奄奄一息。

歌词 We Got By 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/we-got-by/

歌词 We Got By 的作者与版权信息:


Al Jarreau


Al Jarreau Music