歌词 "The Empire" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Empire



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sink your teeth into me, 铭刻在心我,

Bite so hard it bleeds, I need some answers more than ever, please! 咬这么辛苦就流血,我需要一些答案,比以往多了,拜托!


We are fallen angels with no place to go we are fallen angels looking for a home 我们堕落的天使,没有地方可去,我们是堕落的天使找一个家


You are dead, you’re alive, but why? 你死了,你还活着,但是为什么呢?

You’re the empire, the rebellion, but why? 你是帝国的叛乱,但是为什么呢?

Just look at your hands, holding them tight to your chest! 只要看看你的手,抱着他们紧你的胸部!

Look at your hands, what have they done to the wrists? 看看你的手,什么都自己做了手腕?


Reach your head into me stir up bitter memories, 达到你的头到我挑起痛苦的回忆,

Steal my dreams while I’m asleep, please! 偷了我的梦想,而我睡着了,拜托了!


We are fallen angels with no place to go we are fallen angels looking for a home 我们堕落的天使,没有地方可去,我们是堕落的天使找一个家


You are dead, you’re alive, but why? 你死了,你还活着,但是为什么呢?

You’re the empire, the rebellion, but why? 你是帝国的叛乱,但是为什么呢?

Just look at your hands, holding them tight to your chest! 只要看看你的手,抱着他们紧你的胸部!

Look at your hands, what have they done to the wrists? 看看你的手,什么都自己做了手腕?


My head turned with a doorknob, as you walked in the room, as you walked in the room 我把头转向了门把手,当你在房间里走了,正如你在房间里走了

My head turned with a doorknob, as you walked in the room, as you walked in the room 我把头转向了门把手,当你在房间里走了,正如你在房间里走了


You are dead, you’re alive, but why? 你死了,你还活着,但是为什么呢?

You’re the empire, the rebellion, but why? 你是帝国的叛乱,但是为什么呢?

You are dead, you’re alive, but why? 你死了,你还活着,但是为什么呢?

You’re the empire, the rebellion, but why? 你是帝国的叛乱,但是为什么呢?

歌词 The Empire 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-empire/

歌词 The Empire 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Arthur Herrera


Mxpx Songs