歌词 "Passionate Fight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Passionate Fight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Obscure the late afternoon with a drape 掩盖傍晚有垂感

Don't let him follow her latest escape 不要让他跟着她的最新越狱

Or the fanfare of taxis that needlessly played 或的士大张旗鼓的不必要的发挥

As a forty watt bulb burns a hole in the shade 作为一个四十瓦的灯泡烧一个洞,在阴凉处

Then they got into a passionate fight 然后他们钻进了一个充满激情的战斗

Now she's lost in the shadows thrown over at twilight 现在她失去了扔在黄昏的阴影


At the Empire Hotel they first came face to face 在帝国酒店,他们第一次来到面对面

Pieces would fall off all over the place 件会脱落所有的地方

And there in the debris they'd laugh and recline 而且在碎片,他们会笑,斜倚

Tell me my dear are you more or less mine 告诉我亲爱的你更多或更少的矿


Then they got into a passionate fight 然后他们钻进了一个充满激情的战斗

She says now this isn't love it's what you do in spite of it 她说,现在这不是爱是什么,你尽管它做

And I can't go on with it night after night after night 我不能经过一夜又一夜一夜去用它

Camphor and cigarettes perfume the scandal 樟脑和香烟香水丑闻

Now he's counting the hinges and watching the door handle 现在,他数着铰链和看门把手

As he hangs the clothes on the back of the door 他挂衣服在门的背面

Perfectly matching outfits that she wore 完美匹配的衣服,她穿


Women come quietly and some remain with their pity 女子悄悄到来,部分留在他们的同情

But others know the pain of the passion of fight 但也有人知道战斗的激情之痛

Though the chance they will win is impossibly slight 虽然他们取胜的机会是不可能轻微

He cowers before them so invitingly 他在他们面前蜷缩如此动人

And in the long run they'll be chastised and hated 而从长远来看,他们会严厉批评和憎恨

Or walk out frustrated or humiliated 或走出沮丧或侮辱

That is the pointless delight of a passionate fight 这是一个充满激情的战斗毫无意义的喜悦


This isn't love what you do in spite of it 这是不是爱你,尽管它做

I can't go on night after night after night after night after night after night... 我不能经过一夜又一夜又一夜又一夜又一夜去夜...

歌词 Passionate Fight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/passionate-fight/

歌词 Passionate Fight 所在专辑及曲目:
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Long Journey Home
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Mischievous Ghost
Miss Mary
Mistress And Maid
My Brave Face
My Dark Life
My Mood Swings
O, Mistress Mine
Oh Well
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Punishing Kiss
Put Your Big Toe In The Milk Of Human Kindness
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She (Tous Les Visages De L'Amour)
Soul For Hire (45 Alibis Version)
Sparkling Day
St. Stephen's Day Murders
Suspect My Tears
That Day Is Done
The Bridge I Burned
The Fall Of The World's Own Optimist
The King Of The Unknown Sea
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The Unfailing Welcome To The Voice
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Unwanted Number
What Do I Do Now?
When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy
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A New Beginning
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Let's Fight
Fight It Out
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U'll Never Find
Better Today
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Mobb Wit Me