歌词 "Talk To Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Talk To Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's some out there tonight 这里也有一些在那里,今晚

Who's lost and lonely, too 谁是耐不住寂寞,太

There's a heart beating just with mine 有一个与心脏跳动的矿仅仅

There's a voice in the air 有一个声音在空气中

But it just can't get through 但它只是打不通

I'm hoping that someday I'll find someone 我希望有一天我会找人

I don't want to wait here anymore, lonely 我不想在这里等了,寂寞

I can't face another closing door... 我无法面对另一个关门...

Talk to me, open up your heart 跟我说话,打开你的心脏

Oh love's so lonely when you're in the dark 噢,爱是如此的孤独,当你在黑暗中

Talk to me, take it from the start 跟我说话,把它从一开始就

Oh, love comes easy when you show your heart 哦,爱来的时候很容易,当你展示你的心脏

There's a song in the air, 还有在空中的一首歌,

But I can't hear the words 但我不能听到的话

There's a promise that's never made 还有那从未作出承诺

There's a voice in the streets 有一个在街头的声音

That no one's ever heard 没有人是听过

I'm hoping I'll hear it someday calling... 我希望我会听到它有一天打电话...

I don't want to wait here anymore, lonely 我不想在这里等了,寂寞

I can't face another closing door... 我无法面对另一个关门...


Talk to me, open up your heart 跟我说话,打开你的心脏

Oh love's so lonely when you're in the dark 噢,爱是如此的孤独,当你在黑暗中

Talk to me, take it from the start 跟我说话,把它从一开始就

Oh, love comes easy when you show your heart 哦,爱来的时候很容易,当你展示你的心脏


Somewhere there's a voice that's calling 某处有一个声音在呼唤

Someone who's alone and falling 有人谁的孤独和下降

I don't want to wait here anymore, lonely 我不想在这里等了,寂寞

I can't face another closing door... 我无法面对另一个关门...

Talk to me, open up your heart 跟我说话,打开你的心脏

Oh love's so lonely when you're in the dark 噢,爱是如此的孤独,当你在黑暗中

Talk to me, take it from the start 跟我说话,把它从一开始就

Oh, love comes easy when you show your heart 哦,爱来的时候很容易,当你展示你的心脏

歌词 Talk To Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/talk-to-me-29/

歌词 Talk To Me 的作者与版权信息:


Marcus Deon Thomas, Martin Koppehele, Georg Koppehele


Antenna Musik Ed.