歌词 "Still" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Look at faces bruised and beaten 看着伤痕累累的面孔和殴打

the life you took will leave you empty 你把生活会让你空

the unwanted blood it trickles down 不需要的血液就淌下

your eyes can't see the peace you've destroyed 你的眼睛看不到你已经破坏了和平

this life denied unseen homicide 这辈子否认杀人无形

as you took this gift from God's hands 当你从上帝的手中把这个礼物

don't take it away 不要把它拿走

souls of children 孩子的灵魂

stare at you in mirrored anguish 在镜像痛苦盯着你

asking why 问为什么

murder - no love found 杀人 - 没有爱发现

murder - without a sound 谋杀 - 如果没有健全的

murder - in the ground 谋杀 - 在地

murder - God's mercy still abounds 谋杀 - 上帝的怜悯仍然比比皆是

歌词 Still 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/still-15/

歌词 Still 的作者与版权信息:


Christian Thell Lindskog, Simon Frank Grenehed, Tomas Nils Naeslund, Marcus Tobias Dahlstroem


Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB