歌词 "Secret Smile" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Secret Smile



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sometimes when the evening's young 有时,当晚上的年轻

The wind dies down, the setting sun 随风而逝了下来,夕阳

Crochets the clouds with yarn so fine 钩针密布着丝那么细

And fills the oceans with red win 和充满红色胜利海洋


The trees, the sky, the forest fair 树木,天空,森林博览会

Bring a flavor to the air 带香味的空气

I raise my glass and in a while 我举起玻璃和在一段时间

You answer with a secret smile 你有一个秘密的微笑回答


Hold on, hold on to me 等一下,紧紧拥抱我


An airborne leaf that landed near Has carried Dionysus here 空降叶,落在附近先后开展酒神在这里

He'll slip away but only when 他会溜走,但只有当

He sees our glasses filled again 他认为,我们的眼镜又充满

歌词 Secret Smile 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/secret-smile-1/