歌词 "Only Mama Knows" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Only Mama Knows



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well, I was found in the transit lounge 好吧,我被发现在候机室

Of a dirty airport town 一个肮脏的机场镇

What was I doing on the road to ruin 那我做了绝路上

Well my mama laid me down 那么我的妈妈把我按

My mama laid me down 我的妈妈把我按


Around my hand was a plastic band 在我的手是一个塑料带

With a picture of my face 随着我的脸的图片

I was crying, left to die 我哭了,只能坐以待毙

In this godforsaken place 在这个荒凉的地方

This godforsaken place 这荒凉的地方


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Only Mama knows 只有妈妈知道

What she laid me down 她把我按

In this godforsaken town 在这个荒凉的小镇

She was running too 她被运行过

What she was running from 她是从运行

I always wondered 我一直想知道

I never knew 我从来不知道

Only Mama knows 只有妈妈知道

Only Mama knows 只有妈妈知道


I'm passing through 我路过

I'm on my way 我对我的方式

On the road, no ETA 在路上,没有ETA

I'm passing through 我路过

No fixed abode 居无定所

And that is why.... 这就是为什么....

I need to try 我需要尝试

To hold on 要坚持

I've got to hold on [3x] 我一定要坚持下去[ 3倍]


Was it planned as a one night stand 它被规划为一夜情

Or did she live in disgrace 还是说,她住在耻辱

Well, I never 好吧,我从来没有

Will I ever 我将永远

See my father's face 看到爸爸的脸

See my father's face 看到爸爸的脸


[Chorus 2x] [合唱2倍]


Gotta hold on... [4x] 一定要坚持... [ 4倍]

歌词 Only Mama Knows 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/only-mama-knows/

歌词 Only Mama Knows 的作者与版权信息:


Paul Mccartney


Mpl Communications Inc.