歌词 "Naked" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You could have left me on a firday 你可以给我留下一个firday

Would have loved to had least had the weekend 会喜欢至少有过周末

To go under and 去之下,

To stay under 为了保持下

To get better 为了获得更好的

To stay better 为了保持更好


But you had to pick a monday 但你不得不选择周一

Now I gotta go to work 现在我得去上班

And get through 5 days 并通过5天得到

And get through it 并通过它获得

And if I can't do it 如果我不能做到这一点

And no, I can't do it 不,我不能这样做


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

There's a heartbreaking chill running t 有一个令人心碎的寒意运行的时候,

Through my bones 通过我的骨头

I got my clothes but I can't really Feel them on 我得到了我的衣服,但是我真的不能感受到他们对

Oh no 哦,不

Whatever I do 无论我做什么

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

Without you 没有你


Can't go out, can't go home, can't go anywhere 不能出门,不能回家,不能去任何地方

Covered up but I'm still watching people stare 掩盖了,但我还是看的人盯

Oh no 哦,不

Now what can I do 现在,我能做些什么

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

Without you 没有你


Tryin' focus to go un-noticed 试着专注去未注意到的

But the harder I try I see them looking 但我尝试了更加努力我看到他们期待

And I can't do it no 我不能做到这一点不

They see through it yeah 他们透过它看到耶

They see through it 他们透过它看到


[Chorus] [合唱]


Inside out 内而外

Still hiding 还是隐藏

Outside I'm just too exposed 外面我只是太暴露

I know that I should let go 我知道,我应该放手


Ohh, that I miss you 哦,我想念你


[Chorus] [合唱]


Now what can I do 现在,我能做些什么

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

I'm naked 我赤身裸体

Without you 没有你

歌词 Naked 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/naked-17/

歌词 Naked 的作者与版权信息:


Savan Kotecha, Leona Louise Lewis, Kristian Lundin


BMG Rights Management (Uk) Limited, Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Cmk Songs Inc., BMG Rights Management (Uk) Ltd.