歌词 "Midnight In Her Eyes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Midnight In Her Eyes



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Midnight In Her Eyes 半夜在她眼里

Midnight is in her eyes 午夜是在她眼里

Tear drops like a child 泪落像个孩子

You never thought about goin' wrong 你从来没有想过要去错

Now you wonder where your man has gone 现在,你想知道你的男人已经走了

Midnight is in her eyes 午夜是在她眼里

Lately you're feeling low 最近你情绪低落

Heartache on the floor 心痛在地板上

Your manic ways have got the best of you 你狂躁的方式已经得到了最好的你

But your heart is gonna see you through 但是,你的心脏会看穿你

Lately, you're feeling low 最近,你情绪低落

I see her everywhere 我看她无处不在

Long amber hair 琥珀色的长头发

Calling out my name 叫我的名字

I'm calling just the same 我打电话是一样的

Midnight is in her eyes 午夜是在她眼里

Tear drops like a child 泪落像个孩子

You never thought about goin' wrong 你从来没有想过要去错

Now you wonder where your man has gone 现在,你想知道你的男人已经走了

Midnight is in her eyes 午夜是在她眼里

歌词 Midnight In Her Eyes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/midnight-in-her-eyes/