歌词 "Maybe You Heard" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Maybe You Heard



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Maybe you've heard, your ole buddy's gone crazy 也许你听说过,您的OLE好友的疯了

Searching for words, too deep, sweet reason and rhyme 搜索的话,过深,甜的原因和韵

Living alone, more and more and he's prone to be lazy 独居,越来越多,他容易偷懒

Turning to stone, blasted and blind. 至于石头,狠命和盲目。


Don't turn away there, hey, goddamn you, he was your brother 不要转身离开那里,哎,该死的你,他是你的兄弟

Turn on your father, sister, mother, brother 打开你的父亲,姐姐,母亲,兄弟

He was your friend. 他是你的朋友。


Don't you condemn him, leave it to strangers 难道你不谴责他,留给陌生人

You ought to know him, give him a hand, if you can 你应该知道他,给他一只手,如果可以的话

But at least for jesus christ's sake, understand him. 但是至少对耶稣基督的缘故,认识了他。


Maybe you've heard that they say that the lady's been changing 也许你听说过,他们说,这位女士一直在改变

Day after day, more than her mind 日复一日,超过她的心

Learning to play, where the part has her turning to strangers 学习演奏,其中一部分有她谈到陌生人

Going too far, line after line. 过犹不及,行后线。


Don't turn away there - hey - goddamn you, you used to love her 不要转身离开那里 - 嘿 - 该死的你,你曾经爱她

Turn on your father, sister, mother, mister 打开你的父亲,姐妹,母亲,先生

She was your friend. 她是你的朋友。


Don't you condemn her, leave it to strangers 难道你不谴责她,它留给陌生人

You ought to know her, give her a hand, if you can 你应该知道她,给她一只手,如果可以的话

But at least for jesus christ's sake, understand her. 但是至少对耶稣基督的缘故,认识了她。

歌词 Maybe You Heard 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/maybe-you-heard/