歌词 "Love Her Like She's Leavin'" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Her Like She's Leavin'



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We cut the cake, everybody danced, and some people drank too much. 我们切蛋糕,大家跳舞,有的人喝多了。

You looked like the cover, of a bride's magazine, and I looked like some guy in a tux. 你看像盖,新娘的杂志,我看着像晚礼服的一些人。

I'll never forget, when your Uncle Bill, pulled up a chair and sat down, 我永远不会忘记,当你的比尔叔叔,拉过一把椅子坐了下来,

And said "Son I've been married now 45 years, " and he pointed at you through the crowd, 并说: “儿子,我一直在现在45年结婚了”,他穿过人群指着你,


And said


"Love her like she's leaving, “爱她,就像她的离开,

Like it's all gonna end, if you don't. 喜欢它的一切会结束,如果你不这样做。

Love her like she's leaving, 爱她,像她的离开,

Oh and I guarantee, she won't." 哦,我保证,她不会。“


He said "It's sending her flowers, for no reason at all. And notes on the fridge every day. 他说: “这是每天都送她鲜花,没有任何理由可言。和票据上的冰箱。

An unexpected gift, at an unexpected time, that keeps the lawyers away. 一个意外的礼物,在一个意想不到的时间,即保持律师了。

And it's easy to take forever for granted, with tin cans tied to your car. 而且很容易把永远是理所当然的,用锡罐绑在你的车。

And I know she tells you that she'll always be there, but I'm telling you if you're smart, " 我知道她会告诉你,她会永远在那里,但我告诉你,如果你很聪明。“


"You'll love her like she's leaving, “你一定会喜欢她喜欢她的离开,

Like all it's gonna end, if you don't. 像所有的它会结束,如果你不这样做。

Love her like she's leaving, 爱她,像她的离开,

Oh and I guarantee, she won't." 哦,我保证,她不会。“


"Yeah, she could have any man she wants, you know it's true. “是啊,她能有任何一个男人,她想要的,你知道这是真的。

Best way to keep her, is to keep her wanting you." 把自己最好的办法,就是让她想你了。 “


"Love her like she's leaving “爱她,就像她的离开

Oh and I guarantee she won't." 哦,我保证她不会。“


"Yeah, I guarantee she won't." “是的,我保证她不会。 ”

歌词 Love Her Like She's Leavin' 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-her-like-she_s-leavin_/

歌词 Love Her Like She's Leavin' 的作者与版权信息:


Ashley Gorley


External Combustion Music, WB Music Corp., Songs Of Southside Independent Music Publishi