歌词 "Let You Go" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Let You Go



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I didn't know 我不知道

Somebody surprised me, alarmed, alarmed 有人让我感到惊讶,震惊,震惊

Somebody has made it this far, this far 有人做出了这么远,这么远


I don't wanna let you go [x2] 我不想让你走[X2]

You know it's so, it's so hard 你知道它的话,它是如此艰难

I don't wanna let you go [x2] 我不想让你走[X2]

(Somebody has waited, too far) (有人已经等待了,太远)


And if somebody tells you 如果有人告诉你

You're not enough 你不够

If somebody tells you 如果有人告诉你

You're not good enough 你不够好

If somebody tells you this, 如果有人告诉你,

It isn't just 它不只是

Yes, I'm burning up 是的,我为你燃烧

And I'm calling all the bluffs 和我打电话都虚张声势


I don't wanna let you go 我不想让你走

But the weather changes like your mind 但是就像你的心天气变化

And I don't wanna give you up 我不想放弃你

But I just might this time 但我只是可能这个时候

Hope the new grass you seek 希望新草你寻求

Is greener than the greenest green 是不是最环保的绿色更绿

And if it's not, or if it is 如果不是的话,或者如果它是

I just hope you'll be 我只是希望你会

At peace, at least 太平,至少


So go ahead 所以,尽管

Compare the petty issues 比较小的问题

To all the awesome days 给所有的真棒天

Somebody is waiting 有人在等待

Too long to stay awake 太长时间保持清醒


There is a beautiful ending 有一个美丽的结局

But you're never gonna read the book 但你永远不会读的书

I know you won't [x2] 我知道你不会的[X2 ]

There's a magical ending 有一个神奇的结局

But you're never gonna read the book 但你永远不会读的书

I know you won't [x2] 我知道你不会的[X2 ]


Walk away 走开

I know it hurts 我知道这很伤

Don't be afraid 不要怕

And know your worth 并且知道你的价值

Just walk away 一走了之

I know it hurts 我知道这很伤

歌词 Let You Go 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/let-you-go-20/