歌词 "If Love Was A River" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

If Love Was A River



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If love was a river 如果爱情是一条河

And I was a drowning man 我是一个溺水的人

Would you get in the water 你会在水中得到

Would you lend me a hand 你借我的手

If love was a river 如果爱情是一条河

Would you sit on the land 你坐的土地上


If love was a mountain 如果爱是一座山

High above this town 高高在上这个小镇

Would you climb to the top 你登顶

Would you never look down 难道你从来没有看不起

If love was a mountain 如果爱是一座山

Would you go around 你会去周围


Love rarely knocks so many times upon your door 爱在你的门很少敲了这么多次

And heaven only knows if it will come back anymore 而只有天知道它是否会回来了

If love was a firefly 如果爱情是一只萤火虫

Sitting in your hand 坐在你的手

Would you laugh when it twinkled 你会笑,当它闪烁着

Let it go again 让它再去

If love was a firefly 如果爱情是一只萤火虫

Would you understand 你会明白


If love was a party 如果爱情是一方

With everyone you know 随着大家都知道吧

Would you dance if I asked you 你会跳舞,如果我问你

Would you smile and say no 你笑着说没有

If love was a party 如果爱情是一方

Would you even go 你甚至会去


Love rarely knocks so many times upon your door 爱在你的门很少敲了这么多次

And heaven only knows if it will come back anymore 而只有天知道它是否会回来了


If love was a fast train on a one-way track 如果爱情是一种单向的轨道上快速列车

Would you turn in your ticket 你会在你的车票转

Would you never look back 你永不回头

If love was a fast train 如果爱情是一种快速列车

Would you even pack? 你甚至会收拾?

歌词 If Love Was A River 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/if-love-was-a-river/

歌词 If Love Was A River 的作者与版权信息:


Shannon Wright, Adam Wright


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