歌词 "I'm The Only One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'm The Only One


歌词相关歌手:GO-GO'S, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What you think of me is hard to tell 你觉得我是什么很难说

Double talkin' words that I can't spell 双说话的话,我不会拼写

I don't want to read between your lies 我不希望你的谎言之间的阅读

Love comes easy when you close your eyes 爱来的时候很容易,当你闭上你的眼睛

You always run away with words 你总是用言语私奔

You're never seen once you've been heard 你从来没见过,一旦你已经听说过


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I'm the only fool 我是唯一的傻瓜

That's as big a fool as you 这是大傻瓜,你

Got the only heart 得到的唯一心脏

And it beats as hard as yours 它坚硬跳动和你

I'm the only one you run to 我是你运行的只有一个

The one you come to 你来一个

The only one you can get to 唯一一个你可以去

I'm the only one-only one for you 我是唯一一个只有一个你

Only one for you 只有一个你


There's no need to play this silly game 有没有必要玩这种无聊的游戏

No one wins and nothing's ever gained 没有输赢,没有什么是永远上涨

You'd think by now that maybe you would see 你会认为现在,也许你会看到

But you're as blind to love as you are to me 但是你盲目的爱,你是我的

I'm all for one, you're one for all 我所有的,你就是我为人人

I got the only number you should call 我得到了唯一的号码,你应该叫


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 I'm The Only One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_m-the-only-one-2/

歌词 I'm The Only One 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Talk Show》
  • 专辑年份:1984
  • 专辑歌手:GO-GO'S, THE
  • 类别:album
Head Over Heels
Turn To You
You Thought
Beneath The Blue Sky
Forget That Day
I'm The Only One
Yes Or No
Capture The Light
I'm With You
  • 专辑年份:1994
  • 专辑歌手:GO-GO'S, THE
  • 类别:compilation
Living At The Canterbury
Party Pose
Johnny, Are You Queer?
Fun With Ropes
He's So Strange
London Boys
Let's Have A Party
Beatnik Beach
(Remember) Walking In The Sand
Lust To Love
How Much More
Cool Jerk
We Got The Beat
Skidmarks On My Heart
This Town
Our Lips Are Sealed
Surfing And Spying
Get Up And Go
It's Everything But Partytime
Beneath The Blue Sky
Good For Gone
Head Over Heels
Turn To You
Yes Or No
I'm With You
We Don't Get Along
Can't Stop The World
I'm The Only One
Good Girl
The Whole World Lost Its Head
Am I The Only One Who Cares
Let's Move On
Say Yes
Only Girl (In The World)
It's Not My Fault I'm Happy
What Kind Of Fool Am I
Only Girl (In The World)
Stranger (Say It)
Candy By The Pound
One Thing On My Mind
Give It Up
Freeze (Remix)
She Ain't In Love
I Will Not Say Goodbye
Longest Night
The Spirit Of Man
Let Me Know
Round Here
State Of The Art (Radio Killa)
Rock On
Soldier Of Love
I Don't Think Love Oughta Be That Way
I Could Lose Ya