歌词 "Average Man" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Average Man



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools 我只是后来被称为装模作样的傻瓜一个俱乐部的成员

Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule 搞坏游戏和生活中最好的东西是座右铭和规则

So if you can open up your heart and hear me out just for tonight 所以,如果你能打开你的心脏,听我说完只是今晚

Baby I got something to prove to you 宝贝,我有东西要证明给你看

I've gotta show you I can do it right 我必须告诉你,我可以这样做的权利


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Get out 出去

Don't want to see you again 不想再见到你

Maybe we can still be friends 也许我们仍然是朋友

I know that I'm gonna go and screw it up in the end 我知道,我会去和它搞砸了,最终

But that's okay cause I'm your average man 不过没关系,因为我是你的男人平均


So I turned tail and ran 于是我掉头就跑

And I know you're not my biggest fan 我知道你不是我的忠实粉丝

But whatever you want me to 但是,不管你要我

You know that I'm gonna do it now or do the best that I can 你知道我会现在就这样做或做的最好的,我可以

So if you can open up your heart and hear me out just one more time 所以,如果你能打开你的心脏,听我说只是一次

Baby I've got something to say to you 宝贝,我有事要对你说

I was wrong and the fault is mine 我错了,错是我的


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Bridge:] [桥: ]

Baby you could do a whole lot better 宝贝,你可以做一大堆好

But you could definitely do a whole lot worse 但你肯定可以做一个整体的差很多

How can I even try to do better 我怎么能去尝试做的更好

If you won't give me a chance to be better first 如果你不给我一个机会,以更好地第一


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Average Man 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/average-man-2/

歌词 Average Man 的作者与版权信息:


Obie Trice


Obie Trice Publishing, Almo Music Corp.