歌词 "Any Way You Want It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Any Way You Want It



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It’s a long and lonely night 这是一个漫长而孤独的夜晚

early in the morning 一大早

I can see a million lights 我可以看到一个上百万的灯光

And many dreams are calling 和许多梦想在呼唤


Beauty as a flower 美丽的花

Slipping trough the walls 滑动槽的墙壁

Am I about to lose it all 难道我就要失去这一切

(and she says:) (她说:)


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Any way you want it 你想要的任何方式

Anything you need 您需要什么

Baby you’re the master 宝贝你是高手

that I want to please 我想请

Love is getting harder 爱是越来越难

with a nice tattoo 用一个漂亮的纹身

Yes I came for you 是的,我来给你

So she said 于是,她说:


I am walking on my own 我走我自己

as the sun is shining 由于艳阳高照

But a message on my phone 但在我的手机留言

Makes my thoughts colliding 让我的思想碰撞


Clever conversations 聪明的谈话

get a little numb 变得有点麻木

Makes me feel that we belong to none 让我觉得我们属于无

(and she says:) (她说:)


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Any way you want it 你想要的任何方式

Anything you need 您需要什么

Baby you’re the master 宝贝你是高手

that I want to please 我想请

Love is getting harder 爱是越来越难

with a nice tattoo 用一个漂亮的纹身

I had it made for you 我有它为你

So she said 于是,她说:


[Release:] [发布: ]

I will show you something that you never tried before 我会告诉你一些你从来没有尝试过

Baby I will make you beg for more 宝贝,我会让你乞求更多

Standing here preventing you from running for the door 站在这里,防止您夺门而出

Just touch me now … anyhow 只需触摸我吧......总之


Beauty as a flower 美丽的花

Slipping trough the walls 滑动槽的墙壁

Am I losing my mind 难道我失去了我的心

Why did I return your call 为什么我给您回电话

歌词 Any Way You Want It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/any-way-you-want-it/