英语人>词典>汉英 : 巧克力 的英文翻译,例句
巧克力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
choc  ·  chocolate  ·  chocolates  ·  choco

更多网络例句与巧克力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"In making chocolate, the kernels of fermented and roasted cacao bean s are ground into a paste called chocolate liquor, which may be hardened in molds to form baking chocolate, pressed to reduce the cocoa butter content and then pulverized to make cocoa powder, or mixed with sugar and additional cocoa butter to make sweet chocolate."


One of the largest confectionery companies in the world, Ferrero was founded in northern Italy in 1946. Today, it has become a globally recognised brand and a multinational group that owns a series of self-developed high quality brand products like "Ferrero Rocher","Mon Cheri","Kinder","Nutella" etc.

创办于1946年的意大利糖果巧克力公司-费列罗,现已成为在全球享誉盛名的跨国企业集团,并拥有一系列自创的著名品牌,包括费列罗ROCHER巧克力;MON CHERI蒙雪丽巧克力;Raffaello拉斐尔椰蓉杏仁酥球;KINDER健达系列产品;NUTELLA能多益榛果巧克力酱等。

Chocolate comes in so many different ways from dark, milk and white.


However, when we talk about the types of chocolate, it refers to three types of chocolate namely: milk chocolate, white chocolate and plain chocolate.


For the chocolate lover you may want to add either mini chocolate chips or small chunks of chopped semi sweet chocolate to the batter or, better yet, dip the bottoms of the baked and cooled cookies in melted semisweet or bittersweet chocolate.


I liked using dark chocolate (my favorite is Café Tasse chocolate but I seldom see them in the stores where I live); the slight bitterness cuts down the overall sweetness, but dark chocolate don't melt as well as the milk chocolate.

我用稍有苦味的黑巧克力来降低甜度,可是黑巧克力比牛奶巧克力难溶化(我喜欢 Café Tasse 的巧克力但平常在店家很少看到)。

Located on Longjiang Road in Taipei City, Shin Ger Bakery recently has rolled out a new launch of chocolate cake called "Love Potion"."Love Potion" is a chocolate cake consisting of 70% Belgian dark chocolate. With every single bite, you can feel that chocolate melting on your tongue and tangoing with your taste buds.


Chocolate-loving men who eat the sweet treat are in better health than those who don't like it, say docs at Imperial College London and Nestlé. Over five days, a group of 22 healthy young men (half liked chocolate; half didn't) ate the same food, plus either chocolate or bread. Blood and urine tests showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL cholesterol.

伦敦皇家学院和雀巢公司的调查人员说,爱吃甜款的巧克力爱好者比那些比喜欢巧克力的人要健康。22名健康的年轻男子(一半是巧克力爱好者,一半不是)吃相同附加了巧克力和面包食物至少5天,血液和尿液化验结果显示,巧克力爱好者的处理不饱和脂肪酸的能力比不喜欢巧克力的人更好,并且具有较低的 LDL胆固醇。

After conching, you have to temper the chocolate. You do this to make sure that the fats in the chocolate crystallize in the right way.


Belgian 巧克力s - Valentino Chocolatier Uses Only the Finest Quality, Freshest Ingredients and Expensive Flavourings - only flavourings made by nature itself!


更多网络解释与巧克力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chocolate cream:夹心巧克力

chocolate cream biscuit 巧克力饼干 | chocolate cream 夹心巧克力 | chocolate crisp candy 巧克力酥糖

chocolate cream:奶油夹心巧克力,巧克力酱

chocolate dipping paper 巧克力包装纸 | chocolate cream 奶油夹心巧克力,巧克力酱 | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 查理和巧克力工厂

Hot Chocolate:热巧克力

因为,如果你愿意尝试,一杯放凉的热巧克力,其实和板蓝根的味道真的无异,我是在尝试了一次"板蓝根"版本之后明白了,热巧克力为什么叫热巧克力(Hot Chocolate)而没有温巧克力,冰巧克力或者直接叫巧克力饮的.

Chocolate Fudge:巧克力焦软糖

巧克力糖霜 chocolate frosting | 巧克力焦软糖 chocolate fudge | 酒心巧克力,巧克力酒糖 chocolate liqueur

Ferrero Rocher:金莎巧克力

费列罗金莎巧克力(FERRERO ROCHER) 四星 ☆☆☆☆★ 意大利的费列罗是世界第三大巧克力制造商. 四星理由是因为它是目前国内最受小资们热捧,知名度最高的进口巧克力. 呃~不过我对这个巧克力不太感冒,费列罗对我而言并不是正统的巧克力的说,

chocolate candy:巧克力糖

这时的巧克力被添加进其他食品中,制成了巧克力糕点(chocolate pastry)、巧克力雪糕(chocolate sorbet)等,还出现了可食用的固体巧克力,即巧克力糖(chocolate candy).


Cornet Dore 蛋卷巧克力杯 (内含榛果蓉,杏仁酱,牛奶巧克力) | Criollo 黑巧克力可可果外壳,内包鲜奶油纯巧克力夹心 | Dollar Dark 美元型黑巧克力内包榛果碎

Fajita con chocolate. And for dessert:巧克力肉卷. 还有甜点

chocolate tacos with chocolate sauce.|巧克力三明治和 巧克力调味汁. | Fajita con chocolate. And for dessert...|巧克力肉卷. 还有甜点... | Chocolate!|巧克力!

White Chocolate:白巧克力

(3)白巧克力(White Chocolate):白巧克力(White Chocolate)所含成分与牛奶巧克力基本相同,它包括糖、可可脂、固体牛奶和香料,不含可可粉,所以呈现白色. 这种巧克力仅有可可的香味,口感和一般巧克力不同,而且乳制品和糖粉的含量相对较大,

White Chocolate:(白色巧克力)

各厂家研究出各种各式各样口味及含脂量不同产品,也造成巧克力层次参差不齐,为了有效规范及保持巧克力风味,在众多厂家协议立下法定法规来依循,才有今日黑色巧克力(Dark chocolate)、牛奶巧克力(Milk chocolate)、白色巧克力(white chocolate)三种产品.