英语人>网络例句>黄昏 相关的搜索结果


与 黄昏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is just like that we come to a untraversed beach in a dusk and face the boundless sea, suddenly it is rain with the sun on the sky, and after that a rainbow is drawn on the sky, and the forthcoming gloaming makes the unmanned beach become mysterious and cold.


Behold!'Tis but a fair wood sprite perched upon a mossy branch in the misty gloaming of a midsummer's eve!


Against the backdrop of this splendid spectacle, we find a herd of sheep grazing beside the rivulet; amongst them, none is likely to be considered at their ease for a mere second to throw a glance at the bewitching gloaming around, and perchance, their desire to seize the last occasion of the day to have their food chewed before going homewards accounts for it.


When I opened my door in the evening, off they would go with a squeak and a bounce.


A Goatherd, driving his flock from their pasture at eventide, found some Wild Goats mingled among them, and shut them up together with his own for the night.


They swooped over the surface of the planet, over twilight-shrouded jungles, undulating plains of grass, and shadow-filled canyons.


I write of groves, of twilights, and I sing


You shall see men you never heard of before, whose names you don't know, going away down through the meadows with long ducking-guns, with water-tight boots wading through the fowl-meadow grass, on bleak, wintry, distant shores, with guns at half-cock, and they shall see teal, blue-winged, green-winged, shelldrakes, whistlers, black ducks, ospreys, and many other wild and noble sights before night, such as they who sit in parlors never dream of.


Twilight reigns over it. We perceive vast fluctuations in that fog, a dizzy mirage, paraphernalia of war almost unknown to-day, pendant colbacks, floating sabre-taches, cross-belts, cartridge-boxes for grenades, hussar dolmans, red boots with a thousand wrinkles, heavy shakos garlanded with torsades, the almost black infantry of Brunswick mingled with the scarlet infantry of England, the English soldiers with great, white circular pads on the slopes of their shoulders for epaulets, the Hanoverian light-horse with their oblong casques of leather, with brass hands red horse-tails, the Scotch with their bare knees plaids, the great white gaiters of our grenadiers; pictures, not strategic lines--what Salvator Rosa requires, not what is suited to the needs of Gribeauval.

com 。黄昏将近,千军万马在暮霭中往复飘荡,那是一种惊心动魄的奇观,当时的军容今日已经不可复见了,红缨帽,飘荡的佩剑,交叉的革带,榴弹包,轻骑兵的盘绦军服,千褶红靴,缨络累累的羽毛冠,一色朱红,肩上有代替肩章的白色大圆环的英国步兵和几乎纯黑的不伦瑞克步兵交相辉映,还有头戴铜箍、红缨、椭圆形皮帽的汉诺威轻骑兵,露着膝头、披着方格衣服的苏格兰兵,我国羽林军的白色长绑腿,这是一幅幅图画,而不是一行行阵线,为萨尔瓦多·罗扎①所需,不为格里德瓦尔②所需。

Thirteen director Catherine Hardwicke brought her on board for Lords of Dogtown in 2005, then cast her in the original Twilight.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
