英语人>网络例句>鸣 相关的搜索结果

与 鸣 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BACKGROUND: Angiotensin Ⅱ can stimulate vascular endothelial cells to excrete endothelin, a kind of potent vasoconstrictor.

刘 玉1,孙运峰2,马贵喜1,李靖1,蒙果1,韩磊1,刘昕1,李皋1

On every eve of Vesuvian eruption There are always people identifying unidentified flying object lingering Is that you Romeo on the arch of a meteor Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

白乐天 你终于抱剑倒下了和衣倒在她长发如苔的石枕旁不如归去的凄应和着晚祷的钟声小教堂藏经的密室里神父那呆滞的眼睛仍发着绿光多少世纪了地中海的咸涩没能风蚀那石屋的厚墙外面的人传说他早已闭关成蛹了每当维苏威火山爆发前夜总有人目击维洛那上空有来历不明的物体盘旋是你吗罗密欧驾着流星的弧线难道你就这样离开我不给我些许满足?

No arthouse here, this is a watchable, big-budget think piece, with well-executed and stylish direction.


In more severe cases the hamster may have runny eyes, lethargy, weight loss, refusal to eat and drink orlaboured breathing/wheeziness.


If the hamster exhibits any signsof a severe cold (runny eyes, lethargy, weight loss, refusal to eat/drink or labouredbreathing/wheeziness) veterinary advice should be sought immediately as antibiotic treatment is likely tobe needed and failure to treat quickly could lead to bronchitis or pneumonia from which the hamstermay have trouble recovering.


As the wizard struck the hard ground, through the shock of pain he heard the brief whinny of his mount-a sound cut off the next moment.


As thewizard struck the hard ground, through the shock of pain he heard the brief whinny of his mount—asound cut off the next moment.


In order to give sufficient data support for the design of terephthalic acid manufacture, corresponding phase equilibria, including solid-liquid equilibrium and vapor-liquid equilibrium, have been determined and studied.Improvements have been made on our former apparatus, which was used for the measurement of solid solubility, for the purpose of getting more precise experimental data in the range of lower solubility. Horizontal stir was changed to magnetic whirly one, which shortened the dissolving time remarkably.


She hear nothing but the chirp s and whirr of insect.


I could hear birds whistling at the edge of the woods.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
