英语人>网络例句>高门 相关的搜索结果


与 高门 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fluidly he rose — he was much taller than I'd thought — his back to me, and he was out the door before anyone else was out of their seat.


The made tea fertilized with organic fertilizers possessed higher contents of geraniol, geranic acid,phenyl ethanol,linalool and its oxides,and the aroma was characterizd as of "keemum geraniol," with sweet smelling.


The judging of Hilus pulmonis and mediastinal lymph nodes metastasis is based on the measurement of lymph nodes short diameter. There would be some difference between the CT image results and pathologic results.


Clement and Origen at Alexandria, Tertullian and Cyprian in Africa, the Peshitto in Syria, Irenaeus in Gaul, the ancient Itala and Hippolytus at Rome all agree in attributing it to Peter, as do also the heretics, Basilides and Theodore of Byzantium.

克莱门特和奥利在亚历山大,良和塞浦路斯在非洲, peshitto在叙利亚,爱任纽在高卢,古代的名单和希波吕托斯在罗马都同意,在归因于它彼得一样,也是异端,里德和西奥多的拜占庭。

Clement and Origen at Alexandria, Tertullian and Cyprian in Africa, the Peshitto in Syria, Irenaeus in Gaul, the ancient Itala and Hippolytus at Rome all agree in attributing it to Peter, as do also the heretics, Basilides and Theodore of Byzantium.

克莱门特和奥利在亚历山德里亚,良和塞浦路斯在非洲, Peshitto在叙利亚,依在高卢,古伊泰莱和西波吕在罗马都同意在归於它彼得一样,也是异端,巴西里德和西奥多的拜占庭。

Clemenza, immensely tall, immensely huge, danced with such skill and abandon, his hard belly lecherously bumping the breasts of younger, tinier women, that all the guests were applauding him.


Levoversion and isolated levocardia usually accompany with several defects in cardia.


Conclusions】①Levoversion and isolated levocardia were diagnosed mainly by hilum-tomography/high KV chest plain film and thoracic-abdominal plain X-ray.


This extraordinary stylistic heritage has now produced the Fiat Linea, a 4-door saloon that is sleek and elegant, but with generous dimensions that put it at the top of its class: it is 4.56 metres long, 1.73 metres wide, 1.5 metres tall and has a wheelbase of 2.6 metres, as well as a 500 litre luggage compartment.


X displays right pulmonary tuberculosis accounted for 30.4% the left lung accounted for 18.8% the double lung accounted for 50.8% between the lung nature venereal diseases changes the performance is two lung textures increases thickly the edge is fuzzy the lung hilus increases the disorganization accounted for 62.3%; The lobulous lung essence infiltration pathological change performance is in two lungs retires the inner tube spot laminated shape and the cloud cotton wool shape shadow the focus of infection fusion may assume the ground glass density to account for 30.5%; The lung section substantive infiltration pathological change displays for the boundary clear triangle or the fan-shaped big laminated high density was 7.2%.


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KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
