英语人>网络例句>高门 相关的搜索结果


与 高门 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High quality of the metal used for sliding door is shown in the perfect combination of the track and pulley, rather than a simple part of it.


The normalized cross-correlation coefficients, short time normalized energy and adaptive threshold to classify surd/sonant and to select pitch candidates with the high-resolution and efficient implementation are used in NCCFPDA.


If you call for help no one will hear you because of the soundproof walls.You can't get out because the door is locked from the outside.How can you keep from drowning?..

高 声呼救,没人听得见,因为墙壁都是隔音的;出也出不去,因为门是从外面锁住的,你怎样做才不会被淹死?

One was, in fact, in a sort of theatre-box, narrow, furnished with two old chairs, and a much-frayed straw matting, sparely illuminated by the vague light from the glass door; a regular box, with its front just of a height to lean upon, bearing a tablet of black wood.


One was, in fact, in a sort of theatre-box, narrow, furnished with two old chairs, a much-frayed straw matting, sparely illuminated by the vague light from the glass door; a regular box, with its front my.ssbbww.com of a height to lean upon, bearing a tablet of black wood.

我们 sSBbWw 的确是到了一种包厢里,玻璃门上透进一点微弱的阳光,室内阴暗,窄狭,只有两张旧椅子和一条散了的擦脚草垫,那确是一间真正的包厢,还有一道高齐肘弯的栏杆,栏杆上有条黑漆靠板。

The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in, say, physics, mathematics or medicine-the special pleading


Between the doors, there is a moving part of the spoiler, which runs at higher speeds.


If the signal frequency to be measured is low, wide strobe gate is required for high measurement precision.


Results The Kappa coefficients of 'liver parenchyma≥gradeⅡ' with 'right midclavicular subcostal' and with 'portal vein diameter' were 0.4131 and 0.4655 respectively, higher than normal level. The degree of their consistency was fair, and others showed poor or almost no consistency.


The despised Sudra stood on a footing of equality with the high-born Brahmin.


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KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
