英语人>网络例句>高碘的 相关的搜索结果


与 高碘的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to higher levels of calcium and phosphorus, there is antidotal evidence that supplementing the gilt developer diet with higher levels of copper, zinc, iron, iodine and manganese will increase body reserves of these minerals and may enhance future reproductive performance.


In addition to iodide and iodate, another iodine compound could be separated and detected in certain samples with high total iodine concentrations and was identified as elemental iodine, probably in form of triiodide, by peak matching.


Attapulgite deposits are rare and valuable in the world. Large iodic attapulgite deposits with total reserves of 2 500 million tons were found in central and western Gansu Province. High iodine exists in attapulgite ores. There is about 0.0418% iodine in western attapulgite ore and 0.0425% in central ore, which are almost the same as the iodine content of niter in Chile.


In the first human study of its kind, Texas based researchers started with knowledge that perchlorate can inhibit the absorption of iodine.


Objective To observe the antagonistical effect of DHA and EPA on the interference to metabolism of protein, DNA, RNA and the expression of bcl-2, bax gene by excessive iodine.

目的 观察二十二碳六烯酸二十碳五烯酸对高碘所致的脑蛋白质、核酸代谢和bcl-2、bax基因表达损伤的拮抗效应。

In chapter four, the preperation of ytterbium diiodide was examined. The reductive cleavage of Se-Se bond and S-S bond induced by ytterbium diiodide was investigated. The reaction of diselenides and disulfides with allylic bromide promoted by ytterbium diiodide was also examined. The intermolecular Barbier-type reaction induced by ytterbium diiodide was studied. In the last section of this chapter, the intermolecular reductive coupling of nitriles with azides induced by samarium diiodide was investigated.


About tetra-n-butyl ammonium polyiodides: triiodide and pentaiodide anions are the basic building blocks; heptaiodide anion and undecaiodide anion are composed by triiodide anion, and nonaiodide anion is composed by pentaiodide anion. Therefore the character of triiodide, heptaiodide and undecaiodide polyiodides is similar, and that of pentaiodide and nonaiodide polyiodides is similar.


Polyiodide is a new iodine bactericide which has better sterilizing effect. But the application of the polyiodide has not been expanded broadly because of the high cost and complicated preparation technology.


For inorganic or organic iodides with different molecular sizes and molecular iodine said adsorbent has high adsorption action, and its strength is high.


By using the two symmetric absorption peaks of iodine molecules within the frequency range of Brillouin scattering in water, accurate real-time measurement of Brillouin shift in water could be achieved.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
