英语人>网络例句>髌的 相关的搜索结果


与 髌的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Problems from patellofemoral components of TKA graduately replace those from tibiofemoral components, and has been put emphasis for research.


The models of articulation as seen in the lateralroentgenograms of the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints were correlated with the anatomy of surface of distal end of femur.


Then we discussed the valuation of MRI in detecting cartilage abnormalities. 3. Creation and evaluation to the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral catilage degeneration modle Sixteen goats were used in this experiment.

关节镜下的按照Outerbridge软骨分级标准进行诊断,分析MRI分级和关节镜分级的相关性和SPIR/3D T1-FFE诊断软骨病变的敏感性及特异性,讨论MRI对髌股关节软骨病变诊断的价值。

The radii of these surfaces, the angles they subtened, and the distances between their centers were measured in lateral roentgenograms. The models of articulation as seen in the lateralroentgenograms of the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints were correlated with the anatomy of surface of distal end of femur.


Three weeks afer the allografting,there was no significant difference between the two al lografting groups in maximum load(P>0.05),Eight weeks later,the maximum load of the group that was preserved by liquid nitrogen after program freezing(76.60±4.67)N was better than the group that was preserved by -80℃ deepfrozen(75.99±4.20) and similar with the autografting group(76.72±2.55).4.The healing process and histological behavior of the two deepfrozen groups are similar with the autografting group,and the program freezing group is better.

结果 a经程序冷冻液氮保存方法处理后,髌腱的最大载荷无明显下降,细胞活性得到了较好的保存,组织学观察冷冻损伤较-80℃深低温保存方法轻微;b程序冷冻液氮保存处理的移植物在术后未表现明显的排斥反应,且免疫反应随时间的推移而下降;c移植后3周,各组移植物的最大载荷无显著差异(P>0.05),移植后8周,程序冷冻液氮保存组移植物的最大载荷(55.87±1.86)N优于-80℃深低温保存组(52.14±2.79),而和自体移植组相近(57.70±2.76)N;d从组织学观察看,-80℃深低温保存组和程序冷冻液氮保存组移植后的愈合过程均和自体移植组相似,而程序冷冻液氮保存组的愈合过程和组织学行为更接近于自体移植组。

Results 1.After treated by:program freezing,the maximum load of the allografts has no evident decrease and the cell activity of allografts was preserved well,the frozen hurt after program freezing was more slight than -80℃ deepfrozen,2.No evident reject reaction can be seen during the healing process after deep frozen and the reject reaction declined as the time pass by.3.Three weeks afer the allografting,there was no significant difference between the two al lografting groups in maximum load(P>0.05),Eight weeks later,the maximum load of the group that was preserved by liquid nitrogen after program freezing(76.60±4.67)N was better than the group that was preserved by -80℃ deepfrozen(75.99±4.20) and similar with the autografting group(76.72±2.55).4.The healing process and histological behavior of the two deepfrozen groups are similar with the autografting group,and the program freezing group is better.

结果 a经程序冷冻液氮保存方法处理后,髌腱的最大载荷无明显下降,细胞活性得到了较好的保存,组织学观察冷冻损伤较-80℃深低温保存方法轻微;b程序冷冻液氮保存处理的移植物在术后未表现明显的排斥反应,且免疫反应随时间的推移而下降;c移植后3周,各组移植物的最大载荷无显著差异(P>0.05),移植后8周,程序冷冻液氮保存组移植物的最大载荷(55.87±1.86)N优于-80℃深低温保存组(52.14±2.79),而和自体移植组相近(57.70±2.76)N;d从组织学观察看,-80℃深低温保存组和程序冷冻液氮保存组移植后的愈合过程均和自体移植组相似,而程序冷冻液氮保存组的愈合过程和组织学行为更接近于自体移植组。

Results(1)The blood flow of the forearms,the back of hands and foots,the wrist,the forehead,the bridge of the nose and the knee cap was less distributed,but which of the big and small thenars,the tips of finger,the tips of toes,the cheeks and the chin was more distributed.

结果 (1)前臂内外侧面和手背、足背和腕部、额部、鼻梁和髌部的血流量分布较少,手掌的大小鱼际部位和指尖、脚趾和趾尖、口唇、颊部等部位的血流分布较多。

Atment rabbit knee joint to be straight, from the biological mechanics and the pathology angle discussion massage regarding the Knee joint osteoarthritis rabbits ligament, the articular cartilage performance function, builds the foundation for the further thorough research.


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