英语人>网络例句>骨干 相关的搜索结果


与 骨干 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:Single case was 29 cases,seven cases of multiple cases,a single hair and hair were nine cases in the metacarpal,phalangeal 12 cases, eight cases of toe,three cases of humeral shaft,two cases of femur,tibia two cases,4 cases of ribs,scapula Example 1,Example 1 ilium.


Nevertheless, even in the case of diaphyseal fractures it can be beneficial to bend the plate between the screw holes in such a way as to ensure that the different screws face in different directions, increasing resistance to detachment in keeping with the principle of polyaxial anchorage.


The quantity analysis of porosis by X-ray computer picture system can be applied to the analysis of roentgenograms which are taken during the healing process in the cases of diaphysis fracture, such as the fracture at the distal end of radius. How well the fractured bone is healed, whether it is completely healed and whether secondary osteoporosis occurs after fixation can be analyzed quantitatively.


Businesses involved in the acquisition, refinement and production of raw materials form the backbone of the Commerce Guild, which is headed by its shrewd Presidente, Shu Mai.


One character of our procuratorate is the mechanism innovation.


In order to solve these problems, supported by Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Minisity of Education, we study on distribution of sulfur in coal samples of ShenYang HongYang No. 3 coal mine and find that the sulfur in pyrite is more than 72% in the total sulfur of the coal. The pyritic sulfur immerges in coal and is diffcult to be removed by common methods.


Frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, So let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.


In a reiew of three different types of titanium stems with tapered geometries, Mallory, Head, and Lombardi found an oerall incidence of roentgenographic proximal femoral bone atrophy of only 6% of 748 arthroplasties studied.


Company headquarters is a professional engaged in heat shrinkable film packaging machines, modified atmosphere packaging machine manufacturer, is set to develop, research, design, production and technical services and market sales industry backbone enterprises.


The fixed assets are 78 million Yuan. The main equipment for mould is imported from abroad such as: Three coordinate numerical control milling machine imported from Japan, on set; large type the five coordinate milling machine typed dragon imported from Spain, sise (4000 x 2500), one set; three coordinate numerical control processing center size (2000 x 1000) imported from Spain, one set; powerful numerical control milling machine typed dragon imported from Taiwan, size (3200 x 2540), one set; five coordinate milling machine typed with five drift link movement imported from Italy, size (4000 x 2500), one set; Five faces numerical control milling machine HVM502T typed dragon imported from Taiwan, one set; numerical control scanning measuring machine imported from America size (5000 x 2438 x l824), one set. Others sophisticated equipment are made in China, such as numerical control cutting machine, planer typed dragon, pressing machine for research, total 16 set; advanced computer graphical working station, total 40 sets. The automobile cover has become into advantage, which is supplied various auto. Cover mould and cool Press mould to many big factories, such as: Jinan Auto. Manufacturing General Factory, Beijing Light-duty Auto. Manufacture Co., Changhe Auto. Manufacturing Factory, Shandonq Bulldozed General Factory, Jinan Diesel Factory, Qongdao Sifang Locomotive Factory, Dongfeng Auto.

该厂现有固定资产7800万元,用于模具制造的有日本引进的数控三座标铣床一台,西班牙引进的大型五坐标龙门仿形铣床一台(4000*2500),三座标数控加工中心一台(2000*1000),从台湾引进的强力数控龙门铣床一台(32O0*2540),从意大利引进的五轴联动五座标龙门铣床一台(4000*2500),从台湾引进五面体数控龙门铣床HVM502T一台,从美国引进的数控扫描测量机一台(5000*2438*1824)以及国产联高精尖的数控切割机,龙门刨床、研配压床等大型设备 I6 台套,高档计算机图形工作站40多台,在模具制造方面已形成制造汽车覆盖件模具的优势,产品质量达到国内先进水平,多年来为济南汽车制造总厂、北京轻型汽车制造有限公司,昌河汽车制造厂、山东推土机总厂、济南柴油机厂、青岛四方机车厂、东风汽车公司等大型骨干企业的产品更新换代生产制造了各种类型的覆盖件模具及冷冲模具,受到用户的好评,并建立了较稳定的供需关系。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
