英语人>网络例句>饱和的油 相关的搜索结果


与 饱和的油 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, the fatty acid profile of emu oil is very similar to that of humans.


Linseed oil is rich in the value of properties Ω-3 and, the polyunsaturated fatty acids, the body can not manufacture, required by the food intake.


The content of unsaturated fatty acid in Hickory nut oil was high, and the fatty acid ratio of n-6 to n-3 of it was reasonable, so it had high development value.


The most important route to produce these unsaturated hydrocarbons is by steam cracking, using principally petroleum gases or naphtha as feedstock.


We investigated the saturated solubilities of NMD in various vehicles and the coeffect between all kinds of oils and surfactants.


At the super-low permeable reservior sandstone of Fu and Yang in Daqing Oilfield, many pore throats exist a lot in the types of compacted and restored flakes and curved lamellas while the pore volume of micropore and the thin, compacted and shrunken throat that contribute little to flow take large scale in the total pore space. Thereof high filtrational resistance is caused by much trouble including high content of reservoir shale, serious sensibility to pressure at waterflooding, remarkable effects of undersaturation and water blocks in micropore. A method with laboratory experiment, theoretical confirmation and field application included was adopted to analyze the non-linear flow characteristics, to reveal the deep mechanism of pinhole enveloping macropore and to provide a new technology of improving the development effect. The outcomes aquired are as follows: Multiple cores with different low and super-low permeability were selected to perform seepage experiments by gas, water and oil. Three fields of flow were observed in the reservoir at different low and super-low core permeability. They are pseudo- elastic flow, transition flow and plastic creep flow. So the concept that there was no correlation of rocky absolute permeability with fluid properties that pasted itself was broken up. Two-phase seepage of water displacing oil in uniform super-low permeability shows that the two-phase seepage zone is narrow.


According to the special requirements of offshore oil field development and the theoretical calculations, the paper analyzes the difference between heating method and gas injecting method in viscous oil production and discusses the feasibility of reinjecting natural gas in development of offshore undersaturated viscous oil field .

根据海上油田开发的特殊要求,通过理论计算,对比分析了用加热降黏法和加气降黏法进行稠油开采的差异,探讨了欠饱和稠油油田用天然气回注地层降黏的可行性,认为在原始地层压力条件下,仅向地层原油中补充溶解气油比是原始溶解气油比的 0 。5~ 1.5倍的天然气,就可以有效地降低原油黏度,提高采收率。

The oil contains a kind of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids called Gamma Linolenic Acid.


Grapeseed oil has one of the lowest levels of saturated fat of any oil, smokes very little and gives a good crisp finish.


The main components of the fatty acids in hemp fruit oil is palmitic acid(8.43%),γ-linolenic acid(1.28%),linoleic acid (58.66%),linolenic acid(14.01%,oleic acid(10.14%),stearic acid(3.77%),a...


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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