英语人>网络例句>饱和曲线 相关的搜索结果


与 饱和曲线 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this investigation, the compression behavior of COx argillite with two different grain size distributions, which were obtained by two different crush procedures, was studied by running 1D compression tests with several loading-unloading cycles.

通过开展一维压缩试验,研究2种不同粉碎工艺下获得的粗/细COx土样的压缩特性,结果表明:压缩曲线受粒度成分的影响非常明显,为获得同等压实度,细粒土所需的压实功能较粗粒土高,除此之外,细粒土的压缩指数也高于粗粒土,表现出较强的压缩性;随着土样压实密度的增加,粗/细土样的压缩曲线逐渐靠拢,粒度成分对压实功能影响逐渐减弱;土样卸荷时回弹指数随干密度的增加而增加,受粒度成分的影响不明显;高压实ρ(下标 d=2.0g/立方公分粗粒土样在7 MPa的轴向应力下饱和时,体积发生明显的塌陷现象,饱和后土样的压缩指数小于饱和前,而回弹指数则较饱和前高。

Based on theσs1/8 -T curve and X-ray diffraction analysis, the changes in volume fraction,saturation magnetization and Curie temperature of α-Fe phase and residual amorphous phase with annealing temperatures as well as the correlation between them were determined.


The text analysed the characteristic of the wet desulfurated flue gas on the base of the research of grand old man, educed the connection and protracted the curve between the temperature and humidity of wet flue gas in the condition of being saturated. The characteristic of the wet desulfurated flue gas is analysed thoroughly according to the curve.


A method was developed to determine the activation energy and material parameters in the hyperbolic sine constitutive equation.The activation energies determined are 570 kJ/mol and 548 kJ/mol for steel T122 in saturation stress and peak stress,respectively.The values of critical strain for dynamic recrystalli...

采用应变硬化速率—应力曲线图较精确地获得了饱和流变应力和峰值应力;用回归法确定了双曲线本构方程中的变形激活能及材料常数,确定了T122钢在饱和应力和峰值应力条件下的变形激活能分别为570和548 kJ/mol;采用力学方法直接从流变曲线确定了T122钢发生动态再结晶的临界应变量,并回归出临界应变量与Zener—Hollomon参数的关系式。

Rna - Rns, see "Partitioning of net radiation", for multiple plants the fraction of radiation to each plant is calculated in the radiation section, see "Partitioning of radiation between plants", es is the vapour pressure at saturation, ea is the actual vapour pressure,ρa is air density, cp is the specific heat of air at constant pressure, Lν is the latent heat of vaporisation,Δ is the slope of saturated vapour pressure versus temperature curve,γ is the psychrometer "constant", rs is an "effective" surface resistance and ra is the aerodynamic resistance.

潜在蒸腾量 Etp 根据Monteith(1965)给出的彭曼联合方程形式计算:式中: Rn 为对于蒸腾的有效净辐射量(也就是 Rna - Rns ,见"净辐射划分"-Partitioning of net radiation,对于多重植被,每一株植物的辐射比率的计算见辐射一节的"植物间的辐射划分"Partitioning of radiation between plants); es 为饱和水气压;ea 为实际水气压;ρa 为空气密度; cp 为常压下的空气比热;Lν为汽化潜热;Δ为与温度曲线饱和水气压关系曲线斜率;γ为干湿球湿度计"常数";rs 为"有效"表面阻力;ra 为气动阻力。

Being different from conventional multimolecular micelle systems, the unimolecular micelle system of P(AMC14AB) not only shows critical micellar concentration (CMC=0),(i.e.once added to pure water, the surface tension decreases immediately in spite how small the density is), but also the surface tension stays almost the same with the concentration increasing.


Rna - Rns, see "Partitioning of net radiation", for multiple plants the fraction of radiation to each plant is calculated in the radiation section, see "Partitioning of radiation between plants", es is the vapour pressure at saturation, ea is the actual vapour pressure,ρa is air density, cp is the specific heat of air at constant pressure, Lν is the latent heat of vaporisation,Δ is the slope of saturated vapour pressure versus temperature curve,γ is the psychrometer "constant", rs is an "effective" surface resistance and ra is the aerodynamic resistance.

潜在蒸腾量 Etp 根据Monteith(1965)给出的彭曼联合方程形式计算:式中: Rn 为对于蒸腾的有效净辐射量(也就是 Rna - Rns ,见&净辐射划分&-Partitioning of net radiation,对于多重植被,每一株植物的辐射比率的计算见辐射一节的&植物间的辐射划分&Partitioning of radiation between plants); es 为饱和水气压;ea 为实际水气压;ρa 为空气密度; cp 为常压下的空气比热;Lν为汽化潜热;Δ为与温度曲线饱和水气压关系曲线斜率;γ为干湿球湿度计&常数&;rs 为&有效&表面阻力;ra 为气动阻力。

Aturate interception of vegetation in woodland (forest canopy, understory and litter), annual stem flow, Maximum capillary moisture capacity in woodland, saturate infiltration rate of woodland soil, runoff modules of woodland, rainfall erosive force indices, annual river runoff volume and sediment delivery as well as their seasonal distribution, the maximum peak flood frequency curve

oil and water conservation forest 林地植被饱和截留量(林冠层+林地活地被物层+林地枯落层),树干年径流量,林地土壤最大毛管持水量,林地土壤饱和入渗率,林地径流模数,降雨侵蚀力指标,林地土壤侵蚀模数,河道年径流量和输沙量及其季节分配,河道最大洪峰流量频率曲线

The results show that in the ternary system of Mn2+-NH+4-SO2-4-H2O, there exist three saturated curves, two co-saturated points and three purity salt crystal areas.

结果表明:在三元体系Mn2+-NH+4-SO2-4-H2O相图中存在3条饱和曲线、 2个共饱和点及3个纯盐结晶区。

According to the experiment type, the generator experiment- analyzing program draws out waveforms of 0-load test, three- phase shortcircuit test and sudden load-throwing test, and figure out some specific generator parameters.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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