英语人>网络例句>饱和压力 相关的搜索结果


与 饱和压力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deaeator just about takes advantage of the principle, to make water temperature raised to the saturate temperature under corresponding pressure, so that all dissolved gas in water separates out, to reach deaerating purpose.


The deodorized oil was produced after further vacuum wet distillation at 180 ℃ and 0.09 MPa, and the high unsaturated fatty ...

经活性陶土脱色,可得到符合食用油标准的精炼烤鳗油,收得率为 80 %;脱腥条件为温度180℃、压力- 0 。0 9MPa ,水蒸气蒸馏处理,得到基本保持高不饱和脂肪酸组分的脱腥烤鳗油

The variation of saturation enthalpies of both phases and of the gas density with local pressure is taken into account.


Making use of the principal advantages of reaction technology in the hydrogenation of plastics, we have, as a specific objective, aimed in our work at a reduction of the reaction parameters such as pressure, temperature, hydrogen consumption, and catalyst application with simultaneous quantitative breakdown of hydrocarbons, containing heteroatoms, to saturated paraffins and plastic monomers as a desired result.


According to the special requirements of offshore oil field development and the theoretical calculations, the paper analyzes the difference between heating method and gas injecting method in viscous oil production and discusses the feasibility of reinjecting natural gas in development of offshore undersaturated viscous oil field .

根据海上油田开发的特殊要求,通过理论计算,对比分析了用加热降黏法和加气降黏法进行稠油开采的差异,探讨了欠饱和稠油油田用天然气回注地层降黏的可行性,认为在原始地层压力条件下,仅向地层原油中补充溶解气油比是原始溶解气油比的 0 。5~ 1.5倍的天然气,就可以有效地降低原油黏度,提高采收率。

The temperature corresponding to the maximum formation rates of saturates and aromatics decrease, while that of resin increases with the increase of pressure.


When evaporative cooling hydrogenerator ( generator/ motor) runs with a certain load, all bars of stator windings change under the same law : Temperature of bar increases arising from winding loss, and temperature of cooling medium in hollow conductor of bar is also increased through specific heat capacity, and it comes to boiling and is boiled away partially when temperature reaches a saturation that required by corresponding pressure.


The saturation vapor pressure is the equilibrium water vapor pressure in a closed chamber containing liquid water.


At the mean time, for P2 and P3 instrumentation points which located at the depth of 2.5 m below the mid-slope surface and at the depth of 3 m below the slope top respectively, the pressure head remain negative and this indicates both points are still situated at the unsaturated zone in between the soaking line and groundwater table.

在此同时,P2监测点(坡面中点下方2.5 m)及P3监测点(坡顶下方3 m)之压力水头则仍维持负值,此显示两监测点周围区域仍处於浸润线与地下水水位线间之未饱和区。

4The H2 three-photon REMPI signal at very near exact resonance is easilyobserved in a retro-refiection studies performed by recollimating the beam by useof a mirror so that it counter-propagated and refocussed at the original focalpoint in the cell.But magnitude of the signal shows anomaly,e.g.the signalintensity of C-X R(0)at a few mbar pressure is so surprisingly strong that there isno means to measure it under our experimental conditions.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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