英语人>网络例句>饱和 相关的搜索结果


与 饱和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The worldwide geographical variation in cancer incidence has shown a relation between differences in the dietary habits of populations and high or low risk of cancer, thus the role of diet in the control of cancer risk has drawn widespread attention.


In the first part of present study, the characteristics of saturated pool boiling heat transfer for dielectric fluid FC-72 on a plain surface are investigated experimentally. Specially, the data for the boiling incipience temperature, CHF value, saturated boiling heat transfer coefficient affected by the numbers of the test run and orientation are to be examined in detail.


In the late 1990s Christopher Langdon, a marine biologist at the University of Miami, conducted an elegant experiment to test this surmise: he manipulated the water chemistry over an artificial coral reef that had been set up in a huge tank at Columbia University's Biosphere II laboratory (which, rather incongruously, is located in the middle of the Arizona desert).

令人惊讶的是,他发现即使海水对霰石还保持过饱和,珊瑚的碳酸钙产率却随 pH 值降低而下降。

This polywater, made by ex posing very fine glass capillanes to a saturated atmosphere of water vapor, was very viscous, dense and had a refractive index similar to that of glass.


Some companies do as many as 30 DIPS creating a rich blue Indigo character.


The whole work is mainly composed of following three parts:Part I: we first reported the Michael reaction of indole.


Odds are, those seeking to cure their health problems, have been consuming too many proteins and most likely animal based proteins and Nature has a surprize known as indoxyl which also saturates their entire body.


The results show that the increase of the surface charge can exhaust the two-dimensional electron gas, and reduce the current collapse effect and saturation current, inducing the abnormal shift of the knee voltage.


The high degree of purity, combined with the relative inertness of the saturated isoparaffinic structure, minimize s or eliminates adverse reactions in industrial processes and consumer applications.?


The results showed that: the influence of the aquaculture process on aquaculture water determined by type of aquaculture; the influence of aquaculture process on the water temperature, salinity and pH value were not wide.the descent of pH value was related to feed coefficients ; the dissolve oxygen of water in outfall was lower than the water in infall,but the concentration still maintained at the saturation level, is mainly affected by density of aquaculture ,rate of feed and artificial measures of increasing oxygen ;the major form of inorganic nitrogen was nitrate-N;the concentration of inorganic nitrogen and the organic matter tended to increase ,but the ammonium to decline ,this was relation with density of aquaculture ,rate of feed and variation of the different inorganic nitrogen form ; concentration of phosphate-P was low in outfall of pond , related with phosphate-P precipitating, as flowing water speed slowly in outfall;This phenomenon that the total number of bacteria and coli form group of water in outfall was lower than the water in infall , this caused by measures of sterilization and disinfection .

结果表明:养殖过程对水体影响与养殖类型有关。养殖过程对水体的水温、盐度和pH影响不大; pH下降与饲料系数高有关;溶解氧含量排水口比进水口低,但仍维持在饱和状态,与养殖密度、投饵率和人工增氧有关。硝酸氮是无机氮的主要存在形式,无机氮和有机物含量有升高趋势,氨氮有下降的趋势,与养殖密度,投饵率和各种无机氮之间的相互转换有关。活性磷酸盐含量在排水口含量下降,与排水口流水速度慢,磷酸盐沉淀有关。生物指标细菌总数和大肠杆菌总数在排水口比进水口低现象普遍存在,这与养殖场杀菌消毒等措施有关。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
