英语人>网络例句>饱和 相关的搜索结果


与 饱和 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although it is a fatty substance, it is also a fat emulsifier.


For copper-treated chloroform extracts the total yield always increases, whereas that of the methanol extracts does not. GC-MS analysis on the fractions from EOM is carried out. No effect on the saturated hydrocarbons is found. For aromatic hydrocarbons copper has no influence on some samples and strong influence on the other.


Unsaturated fatty acid EPA and DHA content respectively was 170 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg.

饱和脂肪酸EPA、DHA的含量分别为170 mg/kg和150 mg/kg。

It's the fatty acids EPA and DHA that are key.

这里,不饱和脂肪酸EPA和 DHA是关键。

Nutrition information Serving size:38.8g in 20ml of water Serves per can:23 Prepared food Avg Qty Per Serve % Daily intake per serve Avg qty per 100ml Major nutrients Energy Protein Carbohydrate -sugars -lactose -dextrose -sucrose -unavailable CHO Dietary Fibre -FOS Sodium Fats Fats-total -Saturated -Trans -Monounsaturated -Polyunsaturated -Total Omega3 -ALAa -VLC Omega3 -DHAb -EPAct -DPAdt Vitamins and minerals Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12# Niacin (B3) Folic Acid Vitamin C Calcium Iodine Iron Phosphorous Magnesium Zinc

营养信息服务大小: 38.8克在二〇毫升水每次可以提供: 23 准备食物数量平均每个服务%,每日摄入量每服务平均数量每100毫升主要营养素能源蛋白质碳水化合物-糖乳糖一葡萄糖蔗糖,无法町膳食纤维- fos基因钠油脂油脂总饱和反,单,多总计Omega3 ,阿拉,可变长编码Omega3 - DHAb - EPAct - DPAdt 维生素和矿物质维生素A 维生素D3 维生素E 硫胺素( B1 )核黄素(素B2 )维生素B6 维生素B12 #烟酸( B3的)叶酸维生素C钙碘铁磷镁锌

The unsaturation of CO2 in the epilimnion is caused by the fixation of CO2 during the photosynthesis and the sharp increase of CO2 in the metalimnion may be due to the degradation of the photosynthesis production.


A mathematical model for fluid-solid coupling in reservoir was constructed based on the equilibrium equation of solid skeleton and continuity equation of wetting liquid in porous medium.


Equiareal ZnO naorods with high orientation and a high aspect ratio on ZnO-coated seed substrates were fabricated from the Zn(NO3)2/NaOH supersaturated solutions; the mechanisms without and with electrical field were discussed based on the phase stability diagram for solid ZnO and the oxidation of OHˉ.


It is good for gainingcrystal with high quality to equilibrate the solution athigher temperature to precipitate impurity or insolublematerals.


With experience gained from the Finite Element method, a quasi-linear model based on the Magnetic Equivalent Circuit method has been used to obtain the static torque of the motor. Three types of magnetic tubes are employed in the model, and through the exchange principle of magnetic lines of force and magnetic equipotential line, the tube in which the flux distribution is non-uniform is applied to the model.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
