英语人>网络例句>飞船 相关的搜索结果


与 飞船 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The general sense of worry provided by the substance was amplified and focused into terror by the use of the empty spaceship setting, and freakish half-human enemies.


For this reason, ships cannot dock on the walls or the ceiling in hangars.


This one disabled the plasma injectors on my spacecraft.


Kelly angled the ship down the interior slope, reducing their speed to one-quarter.


Morning joggers in NY's Central Park may have been used to all kinds of surprises the city gave to them, but this time, what appeared in front of their eyes is an extraterrestrial spacecraft like jumbo, which have already traveled to Hongkong and Tokyo with works created by 20 artists from different places and times inside.


Now, China launches men into space, fields a modern military练就一支现代化军队, finances some of the world's daring architecture 不寻常的建筑 and jostles for influence 争夺影响 in the international market of ideas.


A slight shudder swept through the ship, and Klaxons wailed midnote, signaling battle stations.


NASA's Viking landers were the first spacecraft to land on Mars and conduct scientific research.


You have 12 different towers in the game plus 3 airship launchers, so you can actually build a total of 15 objects in the game.


Here's a list of Lex Luthor's known lairs straight from the Superman Encyclopedia: a complex of buildings held aloft by a giant dirigible high above the stratosphere, a glass-enclosed city of ancient, weird design, an abandoned factory, a gigantic man-made meteor floating in outer space, an abandoned barn, a secret underground lab, a giant spaceship, a secret mountaintop laboratory, an electronics firm, a hidden laboratory on the outskirts of Metropolis, a laboratory hideout that has been lined with lead to conceal it from Superman's X-ray vision, a massive fortress-like citadel on a lonely mountaintop north of Metropolis, a lonely farmhouse in the mountains north of Metropolis, a secret lead-lined subterranean hideout built into the side of a grassy hill, and the elaborately equipped Luthor's Lair, Luthor's Lair II, and Luthor's Lair No.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
