英语人>网络例句>飞船 相关的搜索结果


与 飞船 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She considered moving back to the ship and camouflaging it, but that might not be necessary.


We carted a fair amount of lunar dust back inside the vehicle with us.


I get the chills when you jump in your little spacecraft.


"When all you need do is think back to your experiences inside the ship you called SDF-1-when it crash-landed on Earth."


The troopers and Yoda crash-landed on the moon's surface after being shot down by Separatist frigates.


The troopers and Yoda crash-landed on the moon's surface after being shot down by Separatist frigates.


Bypassing their intended target, the ships crash-landed on three worlds scattered across the Koprulu sector.


The following holograms came to Earth as a group of Albyreon humans crash-landed their craft after having escaped from their own dying creation.

下列全息图,当一群 Albyreon 人逃离其即将灭亡的造物,并从飞船上紧急降落时来到地球。

The plot of the television series is as follows: In 1966, Jonathan and Martha Kent witness the crash-landing of a small spaceship in Shuster's Field near Smallville, Kansas.

这部电视剧的情节如下:在1966年, Jonathan 和 Martha Kent 夫妇亲眼目睹了一艘小型飞船降落在靠近 Kansas 的 Smallville 村庄的 Shuster 的农田里。

All the characters from the previous game have moved on, but Ernest and Opera manage to get into some trouble when their ship crash-lands on planet Edifice.

这个游戏可能不会在出复刻版Star Ocean: Blue Sphere讲述的是在星海2结束的2年之后claud和rena都居住在地球上,同时所有原来的角色也都出现了,但是Ernest 和 Opera 遇到了麻烦当他们的飞船迫降在Edifice。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
