英语人>网络例句>颓废 相关的搜索结果


与 颓废 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional, healthy up, nervous and hopeful mentation also is to form the fundamental condition with beautiful indispensable bodily form, the " temperamental " that we say at ordinary times contributes this kind of mentation namely, the sort of decadent, of laches, slack, pessimistic mentation also cannot make the person has a beautiful exterior pattern anyhow.


What if I was a both pessimistic and optimistic, prodigal and stingy, emotional and conservative, lachrymose and decadent person?


And people come to the illusion word unconsciously. wherever you go, it's hard for you to find a settled direction. most of people may dissociate and lose oneself in the wispy world at last…" therefore, we found that there are so many confused and inane eyes. although they makeup, smeared red lipstick and dressing with fashion white-collar suit, still can not cover up their emptiness, loneliness, decadence and connivance. they are still loitering in various places lonely. i think this is the reason why liang guyi named his works "blurred city.


A strong force and vigorous action are necessary to destroy old prejudices, to change old customs, to correct depraved affections, to restrict superfluous wants, and to destroy ingrained vices.... Citizens, the inflexible austerity of Lycurgus created the firm foundation of the Spartan republic.


Mr Mulligan however made court to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the classics which as it dwelt upon his memory seemed to him a sound and tasteful support of his contention: Talis ac tanta depravatio hujus seculi, O quirites, ut matres familiarum nostro lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum Romanorum magnopere anteponunt: while for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the buck and doe of the forest glade, the farmyard drake and duck.

穆利根先生则对该学者报以脑中所记一段恰如其分之古典引文,根据既充分,又能雍容大方地支持其论点:噫,诸市民,当代道义之颓废,江河日下。吾辈家中妇女,偏爱被温柔男予以手指作淫荡之搔痒,而弃罗马百人队长之沉重辜丸及异常勃起于不顾。[158] 彼并为不够机智者举出更合乎彼等胃口之动物界实例--诸如树林间空地上之公鹿母鹿,农家场院中之公鸭母鸭等,以此类推,阐述要点。

For a dose of decadence, try an Indulgent Cupcake like lemon meringue or strawberry cheesecake.


Teenyboppers, most of whom would rather shriek up than freak out, are turning off at A Day in the Life, doubling back through Strawberry Fields and returning to predictably cute 1964-model Beatles—in the form of such blatantly aping groups as the Monkees.

大多数少年颓废派与其说是喜欢怪诞的思维,还不如说是喜欢大喊大叫,他们已经开始厌倦A Day in the Life,就穿过《草莓地》,回到了1964年那个可爱的披头士模子里——喧闹的the Monkees*1模仿的那样。

The rarefied air of the academy and the arena produce the sixshilling novel, the musichall song.


Anomic loners musing over their fate; we live in an age of ''.


In fact, such beauty is wicked and decadent; as you look at it, you want to love it but are scared of its mysteriousness.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
