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与 领取 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hope every safekeeper aware of situation, hand in bills asap, acomplish historic mission, to clarify your safekeeping charge of 60 years, to get your salary, retire sooner to enjoy your rest life, post your name on record of merits.


After all , I do not receive The salar ie s actually from my company .


Recruits lived in semimilitary work camps and received $30 a month as well as food and medical care.


As wine should never be skulled, it takes its admirers on a slower journey towards intoxication.


Clean the Amazon Cave of all female Archers who are poaching the animals around Matras.Then return to Thurm in the Peninsula for his reward.

清除在Amazon Cave的所有女射手,因为她们在Matras城的周围偷猎,然后回到Thurm在半岛的住宅领取报酬。

In Japan a fair number of people advised me not tocome here to accept the Jerusalem Prize.


Assessment completed, the applicant had to borrow again to the evaluation report management center, a comprehensive assessment of the agency staff to further review the loan applications. For unexecuted formal purchase contract applicants, the loan agency personnel agreed that loans issued by credit pledge, loan applicants had to developers Department of Housing Land Authority executed Beijing uniform standard purchase contract printed text, persons must apply for the purchase of pre-sale auction registration.


They feel that getting a salary from a church is unspiritual.


George is still on the dole; he has been out of work for five months.


For example a rightness of men and women carried on getting married register according to the procedure of the law provision, receiving to get married a certificate, even they basically not agree with to match to get married the substance important item, going fellow traveller from now on, also ignoring it whether with husband and wife name the cohabitation has cohabitation perhaps, it is still husband and wife to have a marital relationship.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
