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与 领取 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please keep the PIR carefully. It is the certificate for picking up your luggage or compensation.


The Pisan claimants received the support of most of Latin Christendom, but the schism continued until the Council of Constance (1414 - 18) removed all three claimants and elected the one pope accepted by just about all - Martin V - on Nov.

该匹桑人领取的支持,多数拉美基督教,但分裂一直持续到康斯理事会( 1414年至1418年)取消所有三个索赔,并选出一个教皇接受了刚才的一切-马丁五世-关於14 17年十一月十一日。

Ap'plica'tion forms are al 'so' provide'd at the ba n k free of charge.


From the angle of gender , the study is begun with an investigation of poo.


Note:Anyone w ho received a signing bonus w ill be required to return it,posthaste


Authorities at all levels of rent arrears in the collection, the enterprises should fill in the "unemployment insurance premium arrears overdue returns", concrete steps are as follows: first, to its insured institution or the competent tax authorities collect the "unemployment insurance in back delinquent returns,"a type 4 Alliance, one by one, after completing the unit s stamp and unemployment insurance agencies Zhang, and retain an unemployment insurance agencies; second, holding the" unemployment insurance overdue returns "to the its competent authority to declare in back rent, to pay land tax authority in charge of two, payment of a unit of self-retention.

十、 各级地税机关在征缴欠费时,企业应填报《失业保险费补缴欠费申报表》,具体步骤如下:第一、到其参保机构或主管税务机关领取《失业保险费补缴欠费申报表》一式四联,逐项填写后加盖本单位章及失业保险经办机构章,并留存失业保险经办机构一份;第二、持《失业保险费补缴申报表》到其主管地税机关申报补缴,交主管地税机关两份,缴费单位自已留存一份。

Can provide 17 percent value-added tax invoices, and receive the provincial Press and Publication Bureau issued "permit the printing of publications."


Press here to get your copy before all 200 are gone


Following real estate transactions, registered in Pudong New Area Real Estate Trading Center for off certificate


This programme shall begin on 8th April 2006 till 20 May 2006. The raticide will be put inside a box and place at designated location.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
