英语人>网络例句>预防 相关的搜索结果


与 预防 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The required standard of conduct is that of the reasonable person in the circumstances, and depends, in particular, on the nature and value of the protected interest involved, the dangerousness of the activity, the expertise to be expected of a person carrying it on, the foreseeability of the damage, the relationship of proximity or special reliance between those involved, as well as the availability and the costs of precautionary or alternative methods.


From legal point of view, the purpose of probation is for retribution and prevention, in order to consider whether a criminal is suitable for probation should evaluate base on the harm to the society and dangerousness of the matter.


University of Central Florida biomedical scientists led by Professor Henry Daniell found insulin might someday be grown in genetically modified plants and then be used to prevent diabetes before symptoms appear or to treat the disease in its later stagesDaniell's research team genetically engineered tobacco plants with the insulin gene and then administered freeze-dried plant cells to five-week-old diabetic mice as a powder for eight weeks.

在弗罗里达中央大学,由Henry Daniell教授带领的生物医学学家们发现胰岛素可以在转基因植物中生产,以用来在症状出现之前预防糖尿病或在疾病晚期治疗糖尿病。Daniel的研究小组将胰岛素基因通过基因工程技术重组到烟草植物之中,再将经过冷冻干燥过的植物细胞用作粉剂喂食五周大的糖尿病鼠8周。

Practice for the Prevention of Pollution of Water DARD .


Malaria is preventable and treatable, yet it remains one of the world's deadliest diseases.


This algorithm was distributed and based on local information, and it could prevent deadlock.


However, there is still no effective prevention and control system to fight the deadly disease.


objective to analyze the clinical epidemiological profile of deaf-mutism in gansu province with the purpose of understanding the common causative effects, thus getting more available information for further development of the early diagnosis and intervention program for deaf children.

目的 在我国甘肃省聋哑人群中进行系统性的耳聋病因研究,即耳聋病因的临床流行病学分析,明确不同致聋因素所占比例,为将来开展耳聋易感基因的分子流行病学研究,寻找致病根源,有效开展耳聋预防和干预工作提供参考依据。

Prevention is the best method of dealing with them.


It plans to build a first-class tumor prevention, treatment and recovery center integrating the prevention, scientific research, therapy, recovery, health preservation and deathwatch with a total area of above 1000 mu.

现拟建设规划用地 1000 亩以上的集肿瘤预防、科研、治疗、康复、保健、临终关怀为一体、国内一流的肿瘤防治康复中心。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
