英语人>网络例句>预防 相关的搜索结果


与 预防 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The key to preve n tion and reduction of the drill string failure lies in prevention.For this reaso n,in view of the different stressed characteristics of the different sections of the drill string in borehole,the research is conducted by dividing the drill st ring into four failure sections,namely,the section at the wellhead and the secti ons at the upper part,vicinity and lower part of the zero stress point,to inves tigate the essence and basic reason of the failure,and to put forward scientific and feasible preventing measures,thus,being advantageous to complete and system atic prevention and forecast of the drill string failure.


For coaches, trainers, players, parents of young players and health care practitioners, it is helpful to understand what roles football boot construction and it will play in both causing and preventing injury, as well as how custom orthoses (an external device applied to the body to relieve symptoms of pain or improve function) can be incorporated into an overall injury treatment or prevention program.

对于教练,球员,年轻球员的家长和从事健康保护职业的人,是非常有必要去了解足球鞋所扮演的角色是它可以起到同时起到预防和造成伤病的作用。同时,知道Custom Orthoses(自制的足底矫形器,以缓解疼痛改善功能)如何被纳入一个损伤治疗的整体或者预防计划。

So now, ongoing multicentre trials are evaluating the combination of bazedoxifene and conjugated oestrogens for efficacy at preventing bone loss and safety with regards to the breast and endometrium, to see if it can relieve hot flushes, prevent bone loss, without stimulating the breast or the uterus, concluded Dr.


Starting from the second day of quarantine period, the preventive medicine should be added for dipping.


The effectiveness of office system and educational interventions for improving delivery rates is well-supported, especially for lifestyle counseling and adult immunizations.


This study is designed to investigate the effects of VK2 and cotherapy with sexual hormone on ovariectomized rats concerning prevention of osteoporosis as well as vessel calcification, blood lipid metabolism and coagulation.


Modern medicine to prove: camellia oil rich in oleic acid, and linoleic acid and linolenic acid content of the proportion is also larger and reasonable, and tea oil contains olive oil does not have a specific physiologically active substances, such as: camellia saponin, camellia saponin, tea polyphenols phenol, etc., including: the role of camellia glucoside has a strong heart, camellia saponin with thrombolytic effect, and tea polyphenols have lower cholesterol levels, the chemical prevention of cancer and many other effects, can prevent various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; Moreover, tea oil free can cause human carcinogen aflatoxin, as well as erucic acid, saponin, and gossypol and other harmful substances, the elderly can benefit from the consumption of tea oil, tea oil is therefore referred to as longevity oil.

现 代医学证明:山茶油中富含油酸,并且亚油酸、亚麻酸含量比重也较大且合理,茶油中含有橄榄油所没有的特定生理活性物质,如:山茶甙、山茶皂甙、茶多酚等,其中:山茶甙有强心作用,山茶皂甙有溶血栓作用,而茶多酚具有降低胆固醇、化学预防肿瘤等多种作用,能预防各种心脑血管疾病;而且,茶油不含可引起人体致癌的黄曲霉素以及芥酸、皂素和棉酚等对人体有害的物质,老年人可因食用茶油而得益,所以茶油被称为&长寿油&。

Massage and cleaning by tea fat every evening can prevent pruritus and sun crack on skin.


Of all accidents,most(54.39%) were needle and sharp-cut injuries.Conclusion HCPs and policemen,especially HCPs would be easily exposed to HIV.It is important to implement universal precaution and reinforce self-protection measures to avoid HIV infection.

笔者对1997-2005年我国HIV职业暴露情况汇总,并对其危险性及防护措施分析、探讨如下。1对象与方法中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心(NCAIDS,China CDC)正式成立于1996年,这也

The attendance should focus on the attendance on respiratory tract, nerve central high fever, bedsore, urinary system infection, constipation, functional training and psychotherapy.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
