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与 颁布法令 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Daughter: What you should do is a Demented about stupid conversations.


Last month an edict banned the rapid dollarisation of the economy that is taking place.


Iv It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't formulate, sigh, issue, or enforce any orders, laws, provisions, legislations, executory orders, prohibitions, break-offs, ordinances, or orders of detain to limit or ban the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement; It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't institute or threaten to institute legal proceedings , sues, investigations or legal procedures to restrict or prohibit the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement.

iv 任何具有管辖权的法院或任何国家机构未制定、签发、颁布或强制执行任何命令、法律、规定、法规、执行令、禁令、中止、法令或扣留令,以限制或禁止完成本协议拟定之交易、或宣布本协议拟定之交易的完成为非法的;任何对有关事宜具有管辖权的国家机构未提起或威胁将提起任何诉讼、起诉、调查或法律程序,以限制或禁止进行本协议拟定之交易、或宣布进行本协议拟定之交易为非法

The Emperor Gratian issued a decree which not only deprived the Priscillianists of the churches into which they had intruded themselves but sentenced Priscillian and his followers to exile.


But as the edict was issued, and the slow but powerful arm of Imperial law stretched out to Night Haunter, the greatest betrayal the Imperium had ever seen came to terrible fruition.


These articles declared:(1) that popes have no control over matters temporal, that kings are not subject to any ecclesiastical authority in civil affairs, that kings could not legitimately be deposed by the church, and that their subjects could not be released from their political allegiance by any papal decree;(2) that the papacy is subject to the authority of general councils of the church, as decreed by the Council of Constance (1414-18);(3) that papal authority must be exercised with due respect for local and national church usages and customs;(4) that, though the pope has "the principal part in questions of faith," pending the consent of a general council, his judgments are not irreformable.

这些文章宣称:( 1 )教皇没有控制权的问题时,即国王不受任何教会权威的民事,即国王不能合理地废黜的教堂,其主体不能从他们的释放政治效忠教皇的任何法令;( 2 )受教皇的权威理事会一般的教堂,如颁布理事会的康斯坦茨( 1414年至1418年);( 3 )教皇权力的行使必须给予应有的尊重地方和国家教会的惯例和习俗;( 4 ),尽管教皇"的主要组成部分中的信仰问题,"之前同意的总理事会,他的判断没有irreformable 。

He issued a decree banishing the bishops who has been deposed by Constantius, but who had been permitted by Jovian to return to their sees.

他颁布了一项法令,放逐主教已被废黜constantius ,但已获准由jovian返回他们看到的。

Canada is the first country in the world to have a policy of multiculturalism at the federal level.


Papebroch had accepted without appeal or murmur the decision of the Roman Congregation of 22 December, 1700, placing on the Index his chronological and historical Essay on the Popes, published in the "Propylaeum Maii", a decree issued, as was expressly stated, on account of the sections bearing on certain conclaves and requiring merely the correction of the passages in question.

papebroch已经接受了,没有上诉或杂音的决定,罗马聚集1700年12月22日,配售该指数他的时间顺序和历史散文对教皇,刊登在" propylaeum (星期日",颁布的一项法令,明文,就账户的路段,事关某些秘密会议,并要求只更正通道的问题。

This measure was designed to counter sedition, but it was so unpopular that it was impossible to enforce.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
