英语人>网络例句>音乐剧 相关的搜索结果


与 音乐剧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The story has since been adapted many times in many media, notably in 19 78 as a short-lived Broadway musical, Charlie and Algernon, and as a television drama in 20 00 starring Matthew Modine.

这个故事已被改编多次在许多媒体,特别是在19 78人短命的百老汇音乐剧,查理和阿尔杰农,作为一个电视剧在20 00主演马修莫迪恩。

Examples include Caesar and Cleopatra (1901); the philosophically imposing Man and Superman (1903); Major Barbara , a tale of a broken family some biographers relate to Shaw's own; The Doctor's Dilemma (1906); the beloved Pygmalion , a tale on gender, class, and phonetics later adapted as the musical My Fair Lady ; and Androcles and the Lion (1912), the only text to appear in Shaw's reformed alphabet.

例子包括凯撒和克娄巴特拉( 1901年);的哲学强加人与超人( 1903年);主要芭芭拉,一个故事一个破碎家庭有关的一些传记作家萧自己;医生的困境( 1906 );亲爱的皮格马利翁,对两性故事,阶级,和语音后来改编的音乐剧窈窕淑女;和安德奇士和狮子( 1912年),唯一的文字出现在Shaw的改革字母。

Since Ashman's passing, animated musicals haven't quite reached the same exhilarating level of wit, sophistication, and pure joy


The new musical was visually and aurally appealing.


Gayle Turner has performed in Smokey Joe's cafe, Once On This Island, Spunk, the multi-award winning play Constant Star, Little Shop Of Horrors, Abyssinia, Barnstormer, Strange Case Of Marry Lincoln, Black Nativity, Jerusalem Syndrome, New York Musical Theatre Festival, Law And Order Criminal Intent.


As for Linda Watson, fresh from her Bayreuth debut in the role this summer, she carried all before her, and rightly received an ovation at the end of Walküre, as did Hale – although this was partly, perhaps, in gratitude for their presence in Taipei's youthful venture.


Now balding and bespectacled, Steve had bulit to the finale.


He went on to join singer Beyonce in a tribute to Hollywood's best-loved musicals.


I've read a few biographies, and almost all of his plays.


Mischana graduated from the Ballarat Arts Academy in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts. While at BAPA she performed in various productions including 42nd Street, Virgin Wars (Mary-Catherine), Midsummer Night's Musical, The Witches of Eastwick, and Sweet Charity. Screen credits includes 'High Flyers', 'Blabber Mouth', 'Sticky Beak', 'Neighbours', 'Blue Healers' and various commercials.

米斯卡娜于2005年在巴拉瑞特大学获得艺术学学位,在巴拉瑞特求学期间,她参演了多部作品包括:《42街》、《贞洁保卫战》、《仲夏夜之梦——音乐剧版》、《东镇女巫》以及《可爱的查芮提》,荧幕作品有《展翅高飞》、《大嘴巴》、《Sticky Beak》、《邻居》、《警察故事》和各种商业广告。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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We all hope for a better life.
