英语人>网络例句>音乐剧 相关的搜索结果


与 音乐剧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a career spanning forty years, Lloyd Webber has almost single-handedly reinvented musical theatre as an entertainment form, and his plays always open to packed houses in London's West End, New York's Broadway, and in theatres and playhouses all over the world.


In a career spanning forty years, Lloyd Webber has almost single-handedly reinvented musical theatre as an entertainment form, and his plays always open to packed houses in London's West End, New York's Broadway, and in theatres and playhouses all over the world.


In a career spanning forty years, Lloyd Webber has almost single-handedly reinvented musical theatre as an entertainment form, his plays always open to packed houses in London's West End, New York's Broadway, in theatres playhouses all over the world.

在音乐界打拼了40年的韦伯几乎是一个人就把音乐剧彻底改变成大众的娱乐产品,他的作品在世界各地上演,包括 www 。ddd tt。 com 伦敦西区和纽约百老汇,看他作品的观众总是挤爆各个剧场和剧院。

Today I was mocked and satirized again, but nothing can influence my mood now and for good, for I have get used to such things.


The musical is one kind of altitude comprehensive stage dramatic art , It has contained in the artistic class the over whelming, For example music dance play poetry drawing even movie magic and so on , It is 20 centuries are most important develop one of quickest cultural achievements.


January 20, 2009A ruched curtain lifted to reveal the betuxed Caten twins playing grand piano at the foot of a grand staircase. And a new-style Fred and Ginger whooshed across the stage to Cole Porter.

VK褶边装饰的帷幕缓缓升起,鬼才设计师——双胞胎Fred Caten和Ginger Caten兄弟在巨大的螺旋阶梯下面演奏著三角钢琴,在轻快的琴音中,观众的思绪随著设计师飞越舞台,来到作曲家Cole Porter所营造的百老汇音乐剧场景之中。

Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.


Along with the rest of the Wildcats the stage a spring musical to address their experiences hopes and fears about their future.


I've been in 17 school productions.


The Large Theatre is mainly used for large-scale opera, pantomime, symphony, ballet and music drama.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
