英语人>网络例句>音乐剧 相关的搜索结果


与 音乐剧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jackson, right, played the Scarecrow in the 1978 filmversion of the musical The Wiz, alongside Nipsey Russell as the Tinman and Diana Ross as Dorothy.


Jackson, right, played the Scarecrow in the 1978 filmversio of the musical The Wiz, alongside Nipsey Russell as the Tinman and Diana Ross as Dorothy.


This is an old as well as a torch song.


This film is drawn from the Trappist玛利亚奥古斯autobiographical novel of the same name, in accordance with the Broadway musical adapted from the same name, style Qingxinziran, humorous fun, but also deep emotions, there's some songs For example,"Xue Ronghua," are widely circulated.


In 1988, He moved to Japan. He belonged to brass band club in Japan and, as a trombonist, played Richard Strauss composition, opera "Salome". He felt splendor of the orchestral music which was not seized with harmony of a sound and a limit on skin then.

年来日 。在日本一直隶属於吹奏乐团,从事长号演奏,曾经演奏过理查德·施特劳斯作曲之音乐剧"莎乐美",管弦乐器音乐具有的和谐性以及不受限制的特色留给他非常深刻的感动。

Andrew Lloyd Webber's brilliant new musical…His melodies are tuneful.


In college, Leehom finally settled on a major in Music Composition; he wrote the musical "The Bite That Burns" for his final thesis. Now that he is in the major league, Leehom's ideals remained surprisingly untarnished. He has often been quoted saying he wants to create his own sound, a sound that is neither Western or Asian, yet combines the best essence from both worlds.

大学的时候,力宏最后总算是决定主修音乐创作,他的毕业论文就是一出音乐剧《The Bite That Burns》,现在力宏已是主流歌手,但他的理想却不曾改变,他常挂在嘴边说他想创造自己的声音,一种既非西方或亚洲,但却可以同时具有两边精髓的声音。

Wagner is important as the creator of a new kind of opera, which he called music-drama.


In 1981, out of London's West End came an unusual musical about singing and dancing cats.


He is currently co-directing a children cartoon music theatre "The Magic Flute", presented by Zuni lcosahedron.


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We all hope for a better life.
